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How to make a new install when i have kubuntu partition

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    How to make a new install when i have kubuntu partition


    I don't know how to make a fresh install when i already have kubuntu partition. Before, i always installed windows xp, then kubuntu (i just resized xp partition).

    I tried something, but i was scared that i wouldn't delete my xp partition. I boot Kubuntu CD and when it ask for a partition i went under manual and have this:

    /dev/sda TYPE
    /dev/sda1 ntfs
    /dev/sda5 ext3
    /dev/sda6 swap

    Can someone please write a step by step manual how to make a fresh instal because im new at linux. I dont need anything thats in my old Kubuntu instal.

    PS: I have Kubuntu 8.04 and would like to make a fresh install Kubuntu 8.10
    Thank you for helping.

    Re: How to make a new install when i have kubuntu partition

    it is a good idea to back up your ntfs partition, before starting
    $h1t happens!

    this said...

    assuming the size of sda5 and sda6 are appropriate (i.e. you don't want them to be bigger or smaller)
    the easiest way is to use the "manual partitioning" during the installation procedure.

    once in there...

    a) /dev/sda1 (ntfs)
    - choose the /dev/sda1 partition
    - the "partition settings" screen will be displayed
    - choose the "use as" line, then choose "do not use the partition"
    - back at the "partition settings" screen, choose "done setting up the partition"

    b) /dev/sda5 (ext3 for the root file system of your new kubuntu)
    - choose the /dev/sda5 partition
    - the "partition settings" screen will be displayed
    - choose the "use as" line, then choose "ext3 journalling file system"
    - choose the "mount point" line, then choose "/ - the root file system"
    it should also ask you if you want to "keep existing data" or "format".
    choose "format", if it doesn't automatically

    c) /dev/sda6 (the swap area of your new kubuntu)
    - choose the /dev/sda6 partition
    - the "partition settings" screen will be displayed
    - choose the "use as" line, then choose "swap area"
    it should also ask you if you want to "keep existing data" or "format".
    choose "format", if it doesn't automatically

    you should now be back at the "partition table" screen.

    d) partions formatting...
    - make sure /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 have an "f" (i.e. they are going to be formatted) between "size" and "type"
    - make sure /dev/sda1 does not have the "f" (i.e. it will keep its existing data)

    e) confirmation...
    - choose "finish partitioning and write changes to disk"
    - the "write changes to disk?" confirmation question will be asked
    - choose "yes"

    the installation procedure will now continue normally.

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: How to make a new install when i have kubuntu partition

      These instructions are good, but if you want to be able to access your windows partition from your kubuntu session then I would do this:

      a) /dev/sda1 (ntfs)
      - choose the /dev/sda1 partition
      - the "partition settings" screen will be displayed
      - choose the "use as" line, then choose "ntfs"
      - choose the "mount point" line, then choose "/media/Windows"
      - back at the "partition settings" screen, choose "done setting up the partition"
      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


        Re: How to make a new install when i have kubuntu partition

        Thank you jankushka and Pillage Idiot.

        I sucesfuly installed Kubuntu 8.10 without deleting my Windows partition.

        If just every software would have such support .

