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Odd mouse right click issue

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    Odd mouse right click issue

    I have had this issue for a while now, on gnome ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 and kubuntu 8.10. When I right click my mouse in firefox usually I get normal behaviour but sometimes it automatically executes a random entry in the right click menu and closes the menu instantly. I use right click a lot to open a new window and it's been a sore point for some time. This issues does not occur on Windows Vista with firefox 3 (I dual boot). If i hold the right mouse button down without moving it the problem temporarily goes away.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure of my mouse it's a USB corded laser logitech g5 gaming mouse of some kind.

    Re: Odd mouse right click issue

    I have the same problem, and it is very intermittent.

    Don't have any clue what causes it, or how to fix it. I only run Kubuntu, so I can only say that I see this problem with firefox.

    I do recall that when installing firefox there is a lot of gnome-type files that come along with it. Those might be the most common thread, so something in those files might be seeing odd mouse click-release timings.


      Re: Odd mouse right click issue

      Glad I'm not the only one with this issue and yes it's very intermittent. Do you have the same mouse?

