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Kubuntu try my best but

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    Kubuntu try my best but

    Have tried to install Kubuntu 8.1 on a 4 year old system
    also with KME
    The desktop comes up but,

    The mouse and keyboard do not function after about 3 seconds

    The work but then do not, I cannot do anything as of yet
    I click on things and try to use ALt functions but to no avail.


    Any suggestions

    Re: Kubuntu try my best but

    How much ram do you have?

    Do you know what the graphics card is?

    When you say the desktop comes up, do you mean after doing an install, or just using the LiveCD?


      Re: Kubuntu try my best but

      Ram: 512MB DDR sDarm pc2100 Cache ram 256K
      Graphics card: PCI unknown though

      The desktop comes up and looks normal, ready to go to work

      But it takes no user input at all, it's like i do not have a keyboard plugged in or a mouse.

      Even though I know they work elsewhere

      This system has no windows/OS

      Ubuntu which did not work either
      and Kubuntu onhard drive only
      When it ask for my user name I can type it in, along with the password after I hit NUm Lock My mouse work when I click the KDE 4.1 Icon then the go dead.



        Re: Kubuntu try my best but

        Actually. I just booted up again and if I am not quick 10 seconds I cannot click on the KDE 4.1 screen either it will not affetc anything.


          Re: Kubuntu try my best but

          after X has come up press Ctrl+Alt+F1 that will take you to a commandline. See if your keyboard still works, then log in on the commandline. If you still can type it's an issue with X so run the following command

          sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log > xorg.log
          that will create a new file in the directory youre in, see if you can post the content of that file here.

          also, you say your graphics card is PCI unknown. Run

          sudo lspci -vv > lspci.log
          also post the content of that file here.

          There probably is somekind of pastebin command, to simplify all this, anybody here now what that is?


            Re: Kubuntu try my best but

            ok this will make it easier
            sudo apt-get install pastebinit
            and instead of creating files do this

            lspci -vv | pastebinit
            cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit
            remember to write down the URL's pastebinit spits out and post them here


              Re: Kubuntu try my best but

              I've tried here what I got following your latest instructions.:

              (At this prompt)

              stewart@stewart-desktop:^& sudo apt-get instal pastebinit


              Reading packae list ... Done
              Reading State info.. Done
              E: Couldn't find package pastebinit

              (back to same dir as above)


                Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                using this code
                cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit

                I got alot here goes

                (**) ImPS/2 LOgitech wheel mouse : Y axismaooing: buttons 4 and 5
                (**) ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel MOuse : EmulateWheel Button: 4, EmulateWheel INsertia: 10, Emulate WheelTimeout: 200
                (II) config/hal: Adding input device AT Translate Set 2 Keyboard
                (**) AT Translate Set 2 keyboard: always report core events
                (**) AT Translate Set 2 keyboard: Device: "/dev/input/event1"
                (II) AT Translate Set 2 keyboard: Found Keys
                (II) AT Translate Set 2 keyboard: Configure as Keyboard
                (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AT Translate set 2 keyboard "(type: KEYBOARD)
                (**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
                (**) AT Translate Set 2 keyboard: xkbrules: "evdev"
                (**) Option "xkb_model" "pc105"
                (**) Option "xkb_layout" "us"
                (**) AT Translate Set 2 keyboard: xkb_layout: "us"
                (II) AIGLX: suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch
                (II) intel(0): xf86unbindGARTMemory: unbind key 0
                (II) intel(0): xf86unbindGARTMemory: unbind key 1
                (II) intel(0): xf86unbindGARTMemory: unbind key 2
                (II) intel(0): xf86unbindGARTMemory: unbind key 3
                (II) intel(0): xf86unbindGARTMemory: unbind key 4
                (II) intel(0): xf86unbindGARTMemory: unbind key 5

                cat: pastebinit: No such file or directory

                (BACK TO DIR)

                Sorry if typing is not the best It should be a good representation of the results

                Good morning and Thank You


                  Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                  USING CODE "sudo lspci -vv > lspci.log "

                  request for password (entered)

                  -bash: ~~sudo: command not found


                    Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                    using code
                    lspci -vv | pastebinit

                    I received back a help file (I don't think I need to type entire help file I will summarize

                    Selection of device

                    Other options
                    Pci access options

                    than back to


                      Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                      Sorry but I forgot to state everything

                      I never got the X

                      SO I hit (Cntr)(ALT)(F!) at the password request for KDE 4.1

                      Then I was asked to log in which I did
                      Then requested the password (which I did)
                      Then tried to follow instructions
                      I hope this was correct

                      Again I am new to this

                      I work in construction and am tired of a virus infected computer, slow performance well you know windows

                      Is this step( going to lInux) going to work for a guy that is not a computer person

                      I ask only because this so far has been a 5 day marathon of reading tech manuals and getting no results?

                      IS this really worth it?


                        Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                        5 days thats not bad for me it was 1 week of reinstallls but that was 6 or 7 years ago. Did you get the live cd to run. As it stands now, youre having a problem with Xwindows.

                        pastebinit probably is in another repo. which you would have to add, I'm also new to kubuntu so I dont know how to add repos or even what file to add them to..

                        Yea forgot to say you dont need sudo to run the commands I posted. so...lets try something else....

                        from the commandline run (you will need sudo to run this though)
                        sudo apt-get update
                        updates apt-get repos (or sumtin, not important to know, but must be done)

                        sudo apt-get upgrade
                        this will download and install the latest updates.

                        This will update the install. Let's hope this fixes any problems youre having


                          Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                          ...and yes it is worth it if for nothing else then atleast as a learning experience. Good morning to you too, though it' s close to good night over here


                            Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                            This machine is unoperable much less get updates from the web, it's a full install to hard drive, no windows I made that mistake in the original install of Ubuntu, then slack then freespire, then pclinux then ,,, none of them worked, and the experience has not been worth it yet even though i personally would like to kick bill gates in the ass for being a glutton with his continual putting out defective OS and then asking the public to pay to fix it.

                            Who invented the virus Bill Gates

                            Built in Banking account.

                            Thats like selling a car, and asking 50 bucks to start it because you drove it to a sonic for a coke. Instead of MacDonalds.

                            I would love to install the trimin his home< and then ask him for a lisence agreement to look at the work, then 2 years later tell him their was a mandatory upgrade and charge him 200 for the wonderful experience of living in a home I built. What a crook.


                              Re: Kubuntu try my best but

                              sorry the vent went off,

                              too much steam
                              I have this other system to download

                              I'll try

