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Multiple desktops

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    Multiple desktops

    I only briefly looked for an answer to this in another post, so if I'm just reiterating another question, please point me in the right direction.

    I recently decided to give KDE a try, I figured with the newest release it was as good of time as any to switch over from Gnome. (I can't argue that it is much prettier)

    My main issue isn't a major one, but it still irritates me none-the-less. I have two desktops set up, and what I'm used to doing is having programmes for work on one, and the other for music, general surfing, etc. The main panel that lists all of my open programmes, from both desktops. I'd like it to only have the current desktop that I'm working on.

    As I said, I'm new to KDE, this was never an issue with Gnome, if someone could explain this to me, I would be grateful.

    Mad at the world for bringing you down<br />Never giving reasons why none can be found<br />Could have been a leader could have been a someone<br />Could have been should have been you could of proved me wrong

    Re: Multiple desktops

    Right-click on the task manager (the large, middle-ish section of the panel where the tasks show up), and select "Task Manager Settings". Check the box next to "Only show tasks from the current desktop". Click "Ok".

    Hope this helps...
    Hardware: Toshiba Satellite A205-S4607<br />OS: Kubuntu 11.10 (KDE 4.7.2), Windows Vista Home Premium (SP 2)


      Re: Multiple desktops

      That works.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Multiple desktops

        Just to add a bit on finding Task Manager Settings (using KDE 4.1.3) (from Suse 11.1 setup):

        For my setup: if there are more than two tasks on the desktops, then the task bar to the right of the last task icon on the panel is grey, with no shading to indicate where one might click to the right of this to find the menu containing Task Manager Settings. After right clicking all over the panel, I just happened to hit the correct place for the menu just to the left of the area near the right hand side where several tools are bunched together. Except for hints on where to look in above messages, I probably never would have found the sweet spot.

        Also, when right clicking to the right of the K Application Launcher icon at the left of the panel, I get a menu which includes all items EXCEPT the Task Manager Settings: QUITE CONFUSING. Hope this is improved.

        Thanks for the above posts.

