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[solved] - Question about dll's for wine and other similar 3d-party files?

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    [solved] - Question about dll's for wine and other similar 3d-party files?

    First a little background info:
    After playing around with the latest Kubuntu build I'm really considering ditching Windows completely. I've always kind of had to keep it around before as a gaming resource and as such have always ended up spending more time in it (XP) than whatever Linux build I was toying with at the time. Which means I inevitably ended up uninstalling Linux and reverting back to XP. Now, as I loose interest in newer games, and Wine seems to be getting better all the time, I find myself again looking at moving completely to Linux.

    Now that you understand the "why" my question is where are the least hazardous places to download dll files and other files that I don't find in the repositories? For instance, with NWN2 the appdb indicates one should "4: Copy d3dx9_30.dll, devenum.dll, dxdiagn.dll, to your wines system32 directory." Well I'm curious how would you guys that don't have a windows install go about getting those files? On the Windows side of things I have all kinds of software to scan files I might download; and I know enough about how most things work to recognize potential problems with stuff based on what my security software reports when I install and run programs. That's knowledge I definitely don't have with regard to Linux but would like to learn.

    So just out of curiosity I Googled "d3dx9_30.dll" and found this site It's the first link but is it safe? Are there better resources? etc.? What do you guys/gals do in these types of situations and where does someone new to Linux go to learn (other than asking here of course)?


    EDIT: Answered my own question searching elsewhere for a solution to an entirely different issue. I discovered that by using the "cabextract" command, with various switches, in the Terminal I could actually review contents of .cab files on the game discs and extract all or just specific files to any available location on my HDD. Just type "man cabextract" (without the quotes of course) in your Terminal for information on cabextract.