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UNABLE to install Kubuntu 8.10

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    UNABLE to install Kubuntu 8.10

    Hello there,
    Could anyone of you give me an explanation or a solution for the
    following problem. After a system fault provoked by a programming
    error in a free Antivirus scanner, I tried to install Kubuntu 8.10.
    In the past I've been using Fedora, Suse and finally I became an
    adept of (K)Ubuntu. I started with V6.06 and gradually went on
    until that fatal day a few weeks ago when everything went wrong.
    I couldn't load the new version of Ubuntu. After starting the
    DVD the system freezed completely. The only clue I've got were
    a few vague error Messages about ACPI (what is that?).
    I 've tried everything possible to solve this problem but no
    result. I even bought a new PC!!!! and surprise the new system
    did the same errors. However, the MS XP-part functions very well!
    On two desktops I had the same problems a short description follows.
    1° Board MSI with Pentium III and Intel advanced chipset for sound
    and graphics. 1Gb memory. Harddisk 80Gb. V2.0 USB ports. 1DVD
    Reader/writer. 1 CD ROM Reader/writer. Video flatscreen Samsung
    Sync Master 940NW. Licensed Win XP and Kubuntu 7.10 dual boot.
    2° Board Gigabyte S-Series Supports AMD Socket AM2.
    GA-MA69VM-S2 Athlon 64 X2 5200. LAN 10/100/100. Sound
    Realtec 883 5.1. DDR II 3GB (800Mhz).HD 320Gb SATA II. USB 2.0
    The display and software are the same on both systems.
    There I am with no operational LINUX at all. I'm really desperate.

    Re: UNABLE to install Kubuntu 8.10

    ACPI is:

    You may need to turn it off, as a kernel boot option, "noacpi". See #2 here:

    However, you should be able to make a Kubuntu Live CD with your Win XP system, by downloading the ISO image and burning it to a blank CD. Then, you can boot that and play with it, to see if your hardware works. The Pentium III will require the 32-bit release, but the Athlon can use the 64-bit if you want (it will also run the 32-bit with no problem).


      Re: UNABLE to install Kubuntu 8.10

      Thanks Dibl for your quick answer!

      Here are a few actions I did before my mail of yesterday.
      I already had a live CD before troubles started a few weeks ago. I then decided that an upgrade to 8.10 was perhaps a good thing to do at that moment. That was wrong!
      After searching WWW again I discovered where I could introduce some parameters to influence the boot procedure. I found that the input area on the display was hidden behind the right side of the display. Manipulating the controls of the display (picture =>) allowed me to put "ACPI=off".
      Then at last the system went through the booting of the DEMO section with no
      further trouble. Before installing the new OS I want to know if there is any
      problem when running with "acpi=off"
      I also found a method to modify Grub permanently by
      sudo gedit/boot/grub/menu.lst then add "ACPI=OFF" to each kernel line of each entry


        Re: UNABLE to install Kubuntu 8.10

        I'm not aware of any adverse consequences from booting with the "acpi-off" option. One would suspect there may be some power-management functions that don't work so well, but there may well be ways to work around whatever they are, depending on how important such stuff is to you.

        You have done the correct thing, editing your menu.lst that way. However, the option will only be effective for that particular kernel. If you would like to make it a "global" boot option for all future kernels, find the line that looks like this:

        # defoptions=quiet splash
        and add your boot option, so it looks like this:

        # defoptions=quiet splash acpi=off
        then save the file and exit your editor. Now open a Konsole window, and execute
        sudo update-grub
        This will modify Grub so that any future kernel upgrade will be written into the menu.lst file with the acpi=off option.

