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    yea i'm a noob to linux, jus recently got the latest kubuntu, and its all very nice an all, but i cant seem to do much with it...i cant connect to wireless it simply deosnt connect, and ive also got a 3160G internet dongle with the network 3, ive scoured google searching for solutions, everythin from downloading vodaphone drivers and going thru every forum strand going!...i kno my dongle has got windows programing on it so kubuntu wont even pick it up...i'm not too bad with puters but command line is a lil bit of a mystery, i jus want to get online with kubuntu, but i cant sort the probs i got coz all i can do is go through the desktop menu's...any suggestions?

    Re: ermmm

    ok so if ur using 8.10
    1. does it reconize the device when pluged in
    you can check this by typing
    sudo lshw
    and looking for the network adaptor post its out put here.
    2. does lshw show a driver for it ?,
    3. if all is well to here try wicd network manager.
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      Re: ermmm

      ok i'll go and have a only ever picked up the dongle once, and i couldnt load the software even tho i could see all the files, but i'll do what you suggested...thanx for the reply!! 8)


        Re: ermmm

        well i have come across a few wifi cards/ dongles that i could not get working .. but for the most part you should be good..

        with you lshw output you should be able to find out the vendor/model # and/or chipset that controls the device.

        once you know the chipset check for compatability with the following

        ndswrapper , madwifi , prism . one of those should cover that chipset. if not there are yet more to try.
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