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X server dies?!?

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    X server dies?!?

    Hey all,

    I am not that noobish to Linux but I have my moments. Two big problems for me, first off is my X server, I have a new Nvidia GTX260 graphics card. I can install the restricted drivers for the card just fine (version 177). But then why I try and enable the 3D desktop animations like the fall apart on closed windows and so on and so forth. I get a black screen with a cursor, so X dies, is there anything I can run or try to fix this. It also works the other way when I enable the 3D desktop animations they won't work ( I know because the driver isn't running) but then when I enable the restricted driver same thing.

    I am running Kubuntu with KDE 4.1.

    My other problem is getting the Gfire (xfire plugin) to work with Pidgin. For some reason I can run the DEB files which are supposed to work but they don't. Is there something I am missing here.

    Any help would be very helpful.

    Re: X server dies?!?

    Two suggestions.

    1. Try the 180.16 Beta driver from Nvidia -- many say it works better.

    2. KDE 4.1 may be the worst version of 4, according to many posts. I dunno if you want to try 4.2, which is still pretty, errrrr, not fully matured, or whether you want to explore the path of retreat to 3.5.x.

    I don't now about Gfire ... sorry.


      Re: X server dies?!?

      im having a similar problem except when i restart after the install it takes me to the command line and i cant get back to the desktop. i read on a forum that "startx" is supposed to start the desktop but it gives me an error saying that x server can't be found.


        Re: X server dies?!?

        That sounds like the driver is not installed. What is your graphics chip, did you install a proprietary driver, how did you do it, etc.?


          Re: X server dies?!?

          i have two 9700 NVIDIA 7900 GS video cards in my computer. i have tried both the 173 and 177 proprietary drivers, both ending the same way. i got a pop up saying i needed to install the proprietary driver for full use of my cards. i selected the driver i wanted to use in the Hardware Drivers section and hit activate. It downloaded the drivers and "supposedly" installed them, then asked for a restart. this is when i run into the previously mentioned problem.


            Re: X server dies?!?

            I have a GTX 260, either way I have installed the driver with Kubuntu's nice way of saying active this driver to use your card, and having a friend installing the driver from nvidia's website, both still give me the same result. I just want the desktop animation stuff to work, And when I enable them everything dies giving me a black screen with my cursor only, not a terminal window or nothing


              Re: X server dies?!?

              I've never set up dual cards, but I vaguely recall seeing that there is a bit of a "trick" to it. Maybe you pull one of them, install the driver, and then install the second card, or something like that.

              If you're running 8.10, you might want to try one of the 180 beta drivers -- they seem to have fixed some issues with the new display manager.


                Re: X server dies?!?

                id really hate to have to pull one of my cards since im using a laptop... ill try the beta version later tonight.

