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Trying out KDE 4.1.2 as Kubuntu

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    Trying out KDE 4.1.2 as Kubuntu

    (I have searched for the NTFS issue)

    I'm a beginner in linux.

    I've been using Ubuntu (32bit) for a while as a basic user dual-booted with Vista (64 bit). I mainly use Vista for gaming and Ubuntu for everything else. Vista sits on one disk and Ubuntu 8.10 on another. I wanted to try out KDE to experience the desktop and see if I liked it more or not. So I installed kubuntu-desktop via the repositories in what's supposed to allow me to use either desktop as I chose (at the login screen). This might have been a mistake.

    The Good

    It seemed to install fine and indeed I can choose either gnome or KDE desktops to work in.

    There is one thing I like about Vista. Call me shallow, but it's the widgets. KDE has something similar. I haven't tried it out that much yet but it's nice to see it there. Ubuntu (which uses gnome) let me install something widget-like but that experience wasn't very satisfactory.

    The sound is better. A lot better. In DOSBox the experience is much sharper less stuttered sound, especially music.

    KDE is prettier. I guess that's shallow too but then part of the point of a GUI is the pretty, otherwise might as well live in the CLI. The default theme and icons are nicer (I detest the brown of default ubuntu) though you can certainly improve gnome there. What you can't improve as much is the positioning and layout. Gnome seems stretched out and almost pixelated. KDE comes across sharp. Gnome might be able to say it's cleaner if it weren't for the brown because it's sparse which is a good thing I think.

    Apart from the issues below I quite like dolphin.

    The Hmm

    The startup sound is cut off abruptly after a very short playtime.

    Unknown system beep through the PC speaker. Just once so far but why?

    Logging out produced black screen, however it was recoverable by control alt backspace.

    Using the updater appeared to work but sometime after closing it a crash box popped up.

    The reminder of Vista is again brought about with the aero-like mini windows which are just as crummy and pointless on KDE as they are in windows.

    Dolphin has one drawback for me which is the lack of video preview which gnome does. Dolphin will prview for several other file types though.

    The menu is a bit clunky I may get over it once I figure out the quicklaunch equivalent.

    Compiz-fusion. I wonder where it is.

    The odd minor graphical glitches especially when a window expands.

    The Ugly

    Literally ugly. Firefox tabs have odd artefacts below them looking somewhat like tabs. It's moves around just by passing the mouse over them. My search on google revealed this is a common problem for which people are awaiting a fix. Selection buttons also draw badly.

    My windows NTFS drive will not mount via dolphin. It says;

    An error occurred while accessing 'Volume (ntfs)', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure: mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1. Missing codepage or helper program. Or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmsg | tail or so

    in a small box inside dolphin. I can use the ntfs disk fine in the gnome desktop if I switch and can use windows itself fine. I've looked around via google etc for answers and found many mount issues but nothing that seems to work for me. sudo and kdesudo dolphin didn't work.

    This last issue is the one most irritating me at this time.

    Re: Trying out KDE 4.1.2 as Kubuntu

    I've just discovered if i go into the gnome desktop and access the ntfs windows drive then logout and go back into kde i can then use it there.


      Re: Trying out KDE 4.1.2 as Kubuntu

      KDE, and Kubuntu, are still works in progress/transition. Hopefully by 9.04 it won't be as "difficult".


        Re: Trying out KDE 4.1.2 as Kubuntu

        Fixed the hard drive issue. Almost by accident found 'ntfs configuration tool' in the system menu which turned the trick.

