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strange linebreak issue in Konsole

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    strange linebreak issue in Konsole

    Hi guys,

    recently I tried to improve my Konsole with some coloring (i.e. giving the prompt a different color to pick it out easier when there is lot of output) by modifying my .bashrc, but ever since I get a strange problem when I type anything in the konsole which is longer than my current width of the window. Then it just overwrites the first characters of the line instead of adding a linebreak and continuing on the new line. (see the attached screenshot)
    Any ideas on this?

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    Re: strange linebreak issue in Konsole

    Nope, who knows what you did to your .bashrc. But I'm sure you kept a copy of the original If not, try mine (attached as a txt file). It also has the colour thingy enabled and a couple of other shortcuts which you can adapt/scrap. It should in any case get rid of your problem...
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      Re: strange linebreak issue in Konsole

      I change the colour/transparency/background image in 8.10 by using Edit>Preferences>Appearance and Colours
      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: strange linebreak issue in Konsole

        Yeah, but this is different, arochester. Have a look at your ~/.bashrc - it determines how your bash behaves and there is an option for coloured fonts (files are normal, directories blue and bash prompt green) and a whole lot of other stuff. I have for example added a number of aliases so instead of typing ls -la all the time I now do lla and get the same result.

        If you do decide to play around with it you will find that it can make life on the CLI a much more pleasant experience. To activate your new .bashrc type
        source .bashrc
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          Re: strange linebreak issue in Konsole

          Jo, thanks toad, I will have a look into this tomorrow and keep you posted on the success. I have to admit, that I'm a bit confused about the influence of .bashrc vs. settings in Konsole (GUI-based) and the different type of shells (I have among others an entry "shell" and "linux console" in Konsole's "Session" menu. Is the first one GNU Bash? I mean, .bashrc should only have an effect on this, or am I mistaken? Where are the settings I make in Konsole's GUI stored and how do the correspond to .bashrc)

          Cheers and good night,


            Re: strange linebreak issue in Konsole

            I hardly ever use konsole (prefer yakuake), so treat my comments with care, but afaik you determine how konsole looks. No more, no less. .bashrc on the other hand lets you dictate how the bash acts regardless of the programme you use to call it up (be it konsole, yakuake, etc.).
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