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Firefox disappeared! (solved)

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    Firefox disappeared! (solved)

    Hey all

    I just installed Kubuntu Intrepid and LOVE it. I used to be a Debian snob... liked ubuntu okay but not a fan of Gnome. Then my girlfriends Vista laptop went wonky and I decided to try Kubuntu before fixing her machine with it.

    Anyhoo, long story short I installed Firefox using Adept, got the icon on my desktop. Then I went in to change the name under the icon and it went all weird on me. Icon changed, didn't work anymore, etc. So obviously I messed something up.

    So I simply removed the icon from my desktop, assuming I could drag another from my K menu.

    But now it isn't in the K menu anymore either... or lost and found, or anywhere.

    I can still run it if I open Konsole and type firefox... but I'd rather have my trusty icon back on the desktop... any helpful hints?


    Re: Firefox disappeared!

    Originally posted by daddy4count
    I used to be a Debian snob...

    I still am Anyway, welcome to the club!

    Right click on kmenu and go into Menu Editor to recreate your Firefox entry (as a Debian snob I assume you know how to do that/get the info - if not just ask). Once that is done you can drag and drop it from the menu onto the desktop.

    And I am afraid I haven't got a clue what could have happened...
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      Re: Firefox disappeared!

      That did it!

      It has been a very long time since I used the menu editor, forgot it was there!

      I am so impressed with KDE 4, it just blows me away. And fonts on Intrepid, actually everything so far on Intrepid has been absolutely top notch.

      It has been a while, it feels good to be back on a nix box.

      My ex was terrified of anything that did not have Redmonds stamp of approval... now that she is gone I get to play with Linux on every machine in the house. My GFs laptop will be the last to loose its windows.

      In fact, this is the first "modern" machine I have used with Linux. Usually it has been an old P-III rescue box or an outdated celeron laptop.

      Now I have a giant monitor, multiple processors, more RAM than you can shake a stick at... and so far under Intrepid I can't get the system monitors to raise above a flatline!

      There are a lot of things to get used to (I like Adept, for example... though I still open a shell and just type apt-get from time to time...) but overall I am really enjoying my experience with Kubuntu.

      From someone who has used Windows, Mac and Linux over the last ten years I can tell you that this has been by far the most satisfying computer experience to date.

      Thanks again!


        Re: Firefox disappeared!


        I guess I'm a Debian snob "wannabee".

        Originally posted by daddy4count

        I am so impressed with KDE 4, it just blows me away. And fonts on Intrepid, actually everything so far on Intrepid has been absolutely top notch.
        Great to hear someone raving about KDE 4 -- I happen to think it's pretty good, too.

        You might want to consider the benefits of parking your frequently-used icons on the panel, as opposed to the "Desktop" -- the KDE 4 desktop isn't what it was in KDE 3 (or Windows), although you can make it a "Folder View" and kinda-sorta replicate the old way. But I like the enforced discipline, actually -- my screen stays much neater these days. 8)


          Re: Firefox disappeared!

          Could I ask you to mark this thread solved (see my signature for instructions), please. Ta.

          Anyway, we've had so many disgruntled people on here immediately after the 8.10 release that it is really nice to hear your comments

          And just out of interest, I'm on a Cro-Magnon box here and wouldn't mind upgrading to at least the Middle Ages (well, I'd need a dual core, actually). Board, processor and RAM seem straight forward but am not so sure about a graphic card - will the on-board one be sufficient for KDE4? I reckon so. What do you have?

          Re adept - plenty of complaints about it. I used to use it (snob snobby doo) but haven't touched it for yonks and am just switching from apt-get to aptitude. You ought to try it, better search, more info on installs and what have you, commands remain the same so all in all a very painless switch.

          And re what dible said about a neat desktop - right on the man. Get yourself the quick launcher widget or cairo-dock or something
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: Firefox disappeared! (solved)

            I just picked up a slightly oder, used HP display model from a local retailer.

            Tripple core AMD 64, 6 GB Kingston hyperX RAM (added later), 2x 320GB SATA's... I'm loving it.

            Sadly the onboard graphics were not enough to run Ubuntu 8.1 with Gnome because of the size of the monitor I bought to go with it... just couldn't drive the pixels. So I had to upgrade. I went out and got me a GeForce 9500 GT (512MB) and stuffed it in there... no problems driving my 22" widescreen at 1600x1050 on Kubuntu 8.1 with KDE 4.

            I have yet to play with any 3d effects, but not expecting any issues.

            I had to get a sound card too because the onboard card is obviously a bigot and would not even talk to Linux when installed.

            I am looking forward to getting wine installed and start playing around with some games... see if I can get this thing to break a sweat! And get itunes to work for my GF.

            The only GUI software manager I've used in the past was synaptec and I liked it okay... I still prefer apt-get but it is very handy not having to type in the exact name of a package, to see a description of it, etc. so I guess it is good progress.

            So far I like synaptic better but adept isn't so bad. A little slow... but that could be overloaded servers.

            I am having a really good time tho. I keep telling my GF how beautiful the desktop is, how clean and organized everything is, how fast it installed, etc. She simply shakes her head and smiles. At least she knew I was a geek before she moved in!


              Re: Firefox disappeared! (solved)

              I have yet to play with any 3d effects, but not expecting any issues.
              With those specs and desktop effects switched on you will get issues of serious dizziness if you don't fasten your seatbelt
              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: Firefox disappeared! (solved)

                I sincerely hope so!

