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[SOLVED] MSN failing to connect

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    [SOLVED] MSN failing to connect

    I'm quite new to linux. My MSN is failing to connect, i have tried Kopete, aMSN and Kmess also tried http method on the ones that had the option. My internet is working Just as a side note i connect to the internet via a router, msn works fine on my windows OS on the same computer. I haven't added any firewall applications to the system.

    Kubuntu Version: 8.10 (32bit version)
    Kmess Version: 1.5
    Kopete Version: 0.60.2
    aMSN Version: 0.97.2

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    Re: MSN failing to connect

    Hi Stephanos

    I am not sure what could be wrong. I am behind a firewall, and msn is working just fine in Kopete. You did add your msn account , right? You should be able to see your contacts, etc. Did you get any error message when registering the msn account? Please post any errors you see.



      Re: MSN failing to connect

      Another way to see more errors is to open a Terminal (look for Konsole in the menu) and launch kopete from there (type "kopete") ...


        Re: MSN failing to connect

        Kopete Error message

        "There was an error while connecting to the MSN server.
        Error message:
        Unable to lookup"

        yes i have added my msn account, i don't see any of my contacts.


          Re: MSN failing to connect

          I think you are right. It really seems a firewall issue, either a firewall in linux (iptables is the default) or the router (maybe windows deals with it somehow). What's the output of

          sudo iptables -L

          (you need to type this in konsole)

          Also, see here a similar problem:


            Re: MSN failing to connect

            Can you contact through the web? e.g. or
            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Re: MSN failing to connect

              Thanks for the replies.

              sudo iptables -L gives

              "Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
              target prot opt source destination

              Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
              target prot opt source destination

              Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
              target prot opt source destination

              yeah i can sign in using the websites given.


                Re: MSN failing to connect

                mmm ... the output from iptables means that the linux firewall is accepting all traffic (BTW, there are graphical programs to admin that firewall). I am almost sure the issue is the router. Maybe in windows it uses an alternative port or goes through http.

                You said you tried the http method, was that in Kopete? Did you play with the different options in Settings->Connection in Kopete? I would try http, and also ports 1863 (the default, I think), and port 443

                Hope we can get through with this, it shouldn't be that painful. Can you log into the router and look at the firewall if needed?


                  Re: MSN failing to connect

                  aMSN is now connecting i created a test account it worked, in kopete with settings Server: Port: 80, Strangly the same settings for my @msn account didn't work with kopete but did with aMSN after i deleted the profile in Preferences -> Others.

                  beats me why it keeps not working in kopete on my actual account. I'll keep playing with the settings and see if i can get it working if not aMSN is fine.

                  Thanks for all the help.


                    Re: [SOLVED] MSN failing to connect

                    Cool, I am glad!

