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Kbuntu & ubuntu difference?

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    Kbuntu & ubuntu difference?

    I've tried installing kubuntu but for some reason it just wont work on my laptop, rendering a GRUB 15 error.

    I'm trying to sort this out but i'm just to damn n00b to figure things out and hoping someone could illuminate
    this issue.

    Ubuntu and Kubuntu is the same kernel, the ubuntu system but with different GUI's? (Gnome for ubuntu and KDE for Kubuntu). Why is it one system is capable of installing on the laptop while the other's not? I mean, isnt it the same thing running in the backround? Isnt the GUI the only thing differing, save for the programs/packages that run with KDE instead of gnome?

    Sorry for a stupid n00b question

    Re: Kbuntu & ubuntu difference?

    Ubuntu and Kubuntu is the same kernel, the ubuntu system but with different GUI's?

    Why is it one system is capable of installing on the laptop while the other's not?
    Most prabably because of an installation error, but now that your question has been answered let's get back to your original post here

    Please close this thread as it is essentially a double post.

    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Kbuntu & ubuntu difference?

      It's not obvious to me why Ubuntu would install correctly while Kubuntu would end up with a Grub 15 error -- you are correct, they both use the same installer, and one would expect the same result from the installation process.

      However, the good news is that Grub error 15 is easy to fix. It is #3 here. When the boot menu comes up, with Kubuntu highlighted, press "e", to edit. Then cursor down one line to where it says "root=hd(x,y)". Grub error 15 is telling you that "x" or "y" is not correct -- either it is pointing to the wrong hard drive (the "x" number) or the wrong partition on the right hard drive (the "y" number). Depending on how many hard drives and how many partitions you have, a process of elimination, trying alternate values for "x" and "y" will reveal the correct combination, when you press "b" to boot Kubuntu. Once you know it, you edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and you change the hd(x,y) values in the line that begins "#groot=" and also in the menu stanzas at the bottom, where you see the lines that look like your boot menu, to make the changes permanent. That's it -- you can figure this one out.

