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kubuntu won't connect to internet

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    kubuntu won't connect to internet

    I have just installed kubuntu and followed online instructions for my deaat&t 881u aircard from sierra wireless. Filled in everything in kppp as instructed and connected. It shows connected but nothing will work. Konqerer won't connect, adept shows nothing but what is already installed and can't see repositories. Is there some other thing I need to set so everything can see my connection? I installed with wubi if it matters. Thanks for any help

    Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet


    Sorry to hear you are having troubles

    Are you using a new cd or did you download Kubuntu?

    Do you know what version of kubuntu you are running?

    Have a look at this guide first perhaps and see if that helps

    Could you also post a read out of what you get with the following test

    Go to K menu on the left hand side of your screen if you can see it. Click on that and go to System then select 'Konsole - Terminal programme'. This should give you a black screen with the name of your pc.

    When this opens let us see what version of Kubuntu you are running by pasting this command:
    cat /etc/issue
    after the $ and hitting the return key
    When this happens on mine I get a readout of

    Ubuntu 8.04.1 \n \l

    Let us see what yours says. I am running (K)ubuntu 8:04

    Also can you let us have a readout of what this command in the same konsole window gives after you have done the above by pasting this command in :


    Mine shows something like this and tells me about the way I am connected to the internet ( here via ethernet cable):

    andy@dell-desktop:~$ ifconfig
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:21:70:02:b4:ec
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::221:70ff:fe02:b4ec/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:28265 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:22967 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
    RX bytes:29224811 (27.8 MB) TX bytes:4046304 (3.8 MB)

    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:503 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:503 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:29027 (28.3 KB) TX bytes:29027 (28.3 KB

    Just highlight the results and cut and paste them into a reply here

    This might help people here answer some of your questions and get you sorted

    If any of the above has not been clear please let me know or if you have any troubles doing any of it.

    Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


      Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet

      Thank you for your help. I am running 8.04.
      This is what I get when I type in ifconfig.
      eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:72:cd:c9:1b
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

      lo Link encap:Local Loopback
      inet addr: Mask:
      inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
      UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

      ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
      inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
      RX packets:7 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
      RX bytes:94 (94.0 B) TX bytes:157 (157.0 B)

      Also I am dual booted with vista if that matters. On a acer laptop.


        Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet


        Thanks for sorting that

        Now then. Under the same k menu under internet there is the knetworkmanager.

        Can you select this and let us know what happens if anything.


        On your right hand side of the screen near the clock usually is a little white icon that looks like a plug...hover over that and see what it says

        Are you plugged in via a point to point connection or via ethernet/wireless as your ethernet is not showing much action
        Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


          Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet

          The white plug icon says disconnected when I hover over it. The only hardware that shows in the knetwork manager is my wifi card and if I am seeing it right shows that it is not turned on. I tried resetting kppp by going through the knetwork manager but didn't help.


            Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet

            Is there a ( and I hope I am not sounding rude) an ethernet cable in your laptop or do you have another connection
            Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


              Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet

              I have a built in jack on the laptop but nothing plugged in. The laptop came with a built in wireless card, and I have the att&t 881 plugged into a usb port. The 881 can also be used as a wireless card instead of dialing the internet so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm wanting to use it as a modem not as wifi. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. It dials up but then nothing works. I do get the connected window that shows how long I've been connected, and when I look at the log for the 881 using vista it shows I was connected. So the modem is connecting just not being seen by anything but kppp in kubuntu I guess.


                Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet

                ooh eck modems..not used them but I am sure others here will have. Try this page for now




                Many people still access the Internet via a dial-up modem today. There are two basic types of dial-up modems in use.

                Software Modems

                Software modems, also known as Winmodems, are the type that are usually built into the system itself whether it is a desktop or a laptop. These modems are usually connected to a PCI port inside of the computer or a USB port outside of the computer. There are still quite a few of these types of modems that are not supported by Linux due to the type of binary driver or firmware they use. Winmodems supported in Linux are also known as Linmodems.
                Hardware Modems

                Hardware modems, or true modems, are usually connected to the serial port outside of the computer and process the raw modem commands unlike a Winmodem. These types of modems have become rare of late however they still stand as the most supported type of modem for Linux as they typically do not need a special driver.

                The following sections will provide information on installation and configuration of your modem. The last section will provide configuration information on configuring a dial-up connection (see the section called “Dial-up Internet configuration”).
                Winmodem Installation

                Unfortunately due to the many different types of chipsets and the work involved in getting a Winmodem installed and functioning would be difficult to document in this one location. However, there are already documents out there to help you in your success at getting your Winmodem to work with Kubuntu. Not every Winmodem is guaranteed to work, but there are utilities out there to aide you in getting a supported Winmodem to work. The following links will hopefully provide the information needed to get your Winmodem working.


       - This site is the main informational point for getting Winmodems, or Linmodems as they are also known as, installed and working in Linux.

       - This site provides useful information on the scanModem utility. This is the utility that will not only detect your Winmodem, but it will also provide information on the type of support for your device.

       - Ubuntu community documentation on utilizing the scanModem utility within Ubuntu and Kubuntu.

       - Ubuntu community documentation on general dial-up modem information. A good starting point for Ubuntu and Kubuntu systems alike.

       - Winmodems are not modems website that contains a very broad database of Winmodem support. Use this to further verify support for your modem, or research the list first before trying to install a device that may not be supported.

                Hardware Modem Installation

                Unlike software modems, or Winmodems, hardware modems do not need special software drivers. If your modem connects to your PC via the serial port, then you are in fact using a hardware modem. In order to configure your modem, you need to know which COM port, or serial port, you are using. The typical structure for COM devices is /dev/ttySx, where x is one less than the COM port number. For instance, if you plug your modem into COM port 1, then you would use the /dev/ttyS0 device. Port 2 would be /dev/ttyS1 and so on.
                Dial-up Internet configuration

                There are a few ways in order for you to get your dial-up connection working with the Internet.
                Using KPPP

                KPPP - The dialer and front end for pppd which allows for interactive script generation and network setup. This is the preferred application in Kubuntu for dial-up modems. For more information on setting up KPPP, please refer to The KPPP Handbook.
                Using WvDial

                WvDial - The command line Linux application for dial-up modems. This utility has been around almost since the invention of Linux itself. The following is a quick step-by-step procedure for using WvDial. Note that WvDial use is command line intensive.


                Open Konsole by going to KMenu → System → Konsole - Terminal Program.

                At the command prompt, type sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf and then press Enter.

                If you see the following error, then your modem is not supported, in use, or not properly configured.

                Editing `/etc/wvdial.conf'.

                Scanning your serial ports for a modem.

                Modem Port Scan<*1>: S0 S1 S2 S3

                Sorry, no modem was detected! Is it in use by another program?
                Did you configure it properly with setserial?

                Please read the FAQ at

                If you still have problems, send mail to <>.


                If you did not receive the previous error message then you can move on and finish the setup by manually editing the /etc/wvdial.conf configuration file. To do so press Alt+F2, type kdesu kwrite /etc/wvdial.conf and press the OK button.

                After opening the wvdial.conf, insert your ISP information where needed. Other options may be needed in order to get your Winmodem to work correctly. This information is either available on the Linmodems website, or if you sent an email to their mailing-list, the information they provided to aide you in your setup. You can also type man wvdial.conf at the command prompt for further information.

                Save and close out of the /etc/wvdial.conf configuration file.

                At the command line, try to dial out by typing sudo wvdial and pressing Enter.

                Using pppconfig with pon & poff

                pppconfig is another command line option used to manage dial-up connections. This setup is not the easiest to configure, however it is a very flexible application. The pon and poff dial and hang-up when using the pppconfig utility.

                If you are interested in using this utility, please refer to the wiki topic for pppconfig.
                Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


                  Re: kubuntu won't connect to internet

                  I called the 881 a modem, but I don't know if that is proper or not. It dials up on a cell line and uses 3g for broadband speeds. I configured kppp as instructed on the sierra wireless website and it seems to be working, but nothing will connect. I don't know if this is really considered a modem or not. Sierra wireless says after I configured kppp it should work, and I have read on other sites that the 881 works great with ubuntu or kubuntu after configuring kppp. I think kppp is working because it shows connecting... and then shows connected. So I assume I am connected to the internet, but nothing is seeing it but kppp. By the way it plugs into a usb port. I will read through the pages in your links. Hopefully I will find something to help. Thanks for your time.

