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installing stuff

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    installing stuff

    right, as some already know im very new to this anyway im using kubuntu and in the process of trying to install ndiswarpper, omg......i cannot get my head aorund any of it! ive been trying to work it all out but, seems as i cannot get the wrieless card working i have to keep rebooting into vista and then trying to find out why, anyway back to what i was saying, where do i start? i cant even install the nvidia drivers......i try to use kommand (i think its called that) anyway i drag to file over into it and press enter, it then starts to install but then it pops up and says that i need it to be in root? what the hell?? im so confussed some one please enlighten me, and before anyone asks, ive read the readmes and searched online and still im nto getting anywhere

    Re: installing stuff

    First of all, what kind of wireless card do you have? You might not need to use ndiswrapper. To install the nvidia drivers look for a green pci card icon in your system tray, or go into kmenu looking for restricted drivers. You need to check the box next to nvidia drivers and it will install. You might need to be connected to the internet first to do this though. Whenever you run something in console you sometimes need root access. This is done by using the command "sudo" before whatever it is you want to do.

    I would recommend trying to get connected to ethernet and checking restricted drivers. Sometimes wireless drivers will show up there and then you don't have to mess around with ndiswrapper at all (depending on your wireless card of course). It will also take care of your video drivers so that will knock out two birds with one stone.


      Re: installing stuff

      i have a netgear wg111t wireless card, i looked for this pci icon but the only one i could find was one with a little computer there with tghe pci icon ontop, i did go into this but didnt get very far, i also got into the root admin with konsole but when i tryed to install the nvidia driver it just came up with me being in an Xserver?? i have no idea what that is or how i get out of it...


        Re: installing stuff

        i cannot get the wrieless card working
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          Re: installing stuff

          yea about that...ive read that thru and thru but to be honest, still i have no idea, i cannot even get ndiswrapper working....i dont know how to install it or anything, getting my head around this seems to be a real big issue, alot of people keep telling me to use ubuntu but i want kubuntu as i like it better, still i want to be able to use it instead of windows so im very willing to read/learn and use this damn program can i also point out i have been to that site where i got ndiswrapper from and i have tryed readin such and such but still get nothing, my main issues seem to be these codes i have to use and such and not knowing where im supposed to put them....

