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Auto Mounting External Media

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    Auto Mounting External Media


    I've just changed my OS from v8.04 Ubuntu to 8.10 Kubuntu. There is something annoying now happening that never occurred when I was using Ubuntu. I have an external hard drive that seems to be recognised as I can see the partition in Dolphin, but before any apps such as Amarok can access this partition I need to click on it in Dolphin and then enter my password (for superuser privilege). Once doing this other apps like Amarok can access the data contained on this drive.

    This did not happen with Ubuntu and I'd like to have it so that it is mounted(??) such that it is usable immediately after the PC has booted.

    Any help will be appreciated.


    Re: Auto Mounting External Media

    Please post the contents of your /etc/fstab file. Run cat /etc/fstab in a terminal and copy and paste the results in your message.


      Re: Auto Mounting External Media

      i use a program called mountmanager. it allows you to set rules for your devices and will change your /etc/fstab to reflect your changes. try it out i got it from the repos. i use to mainly to automount my NTFS partion as i duel boot w/ XP (ok i don't boot it just my music is there and quick data backup if i need to format the kubuntu side)
      i was playing around w/ my cd/dvd drive yesterday and found this to be very useful as my disks would not auto mount (the setting had only mount for admin).
      hope this helps ur issue
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