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Updating Kubuntu 8.1 (SOLVED)

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    Re: Updating Kubuntu 8.1

    well it's weird, if what you say is true. I did put the medi thing in but when i search for new stuff it came up with nothing.



      Re: Updating Kubuntu 8.1

      When I search Adept Manager or Synaptic, for example, on icewm (which you identified in your initial post), both show the package as available for selection/installation:
      wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager

      IceWm is a Window Manager for X Window System. It is fast and
      memory-efficient, and it provides many different looks including Windows'95,
      OS/2 Warp 3,4, Motif. It tries to take the best features of the above
      systems. Additional features include multiple workspaces, opaque move/resize,
      task bar, window list, mailbox status, digital clock.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Updating Kubuntu 8.1

        I wonder if you could help me figure out why my sound isn't working?



          Re: Updating Kubuntu 8.1

          Why don't you mark this thread as [SOLVED] (modify your first post's subject) and open a new thread asking for help with sound? You can link from here to the new thread. This way, people can find threwads more easily by subject. Please post details of your sound issues (like, what did you try, etc, the more info the easier to get help)


            Re: Updating Kubuntu 8.1 (SOLVED)

            I'm having a similar problem, I was in the middle of an update, big update clear from 8.04. I had gone thru several, everythin g worked ok, then when trying to get Amarok 2.0 I followed suggestions about update repositories and such, then hit update, it seemed to stall at 54% and a dialog box popped up saying a reboot was necessary. I clicked on the reboot icon in the tray. That really seemed to mess things up. First I couldn't boot, hung up on check battery. After a couple of times I tried booting in the the recovery. Any way after several different things was able to get up and going again, however new whenever a try to bring up Adept Manager I get a sig 6 error. Now I can't go updates. Any help?


              Re: Updating Kubuntu 8.1 (SOLVED)

              Originally posted by peskyeskie
              I'm having a similar problem [...] Any help?
              Could you please start a new thread with the same contents? This one is marked as [SOLVED], the people more likely to help will probably not read it ...

