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PC hangs after flash screen Kubuntu

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    PC hangs after flash screen Kubuntu

    Hi all,

    I am totally new here.
    I installed Kunbuntu on my F-drive. XP is on my C. THe installation was ok but when choosing the new OS (Kubuntu) my PC hangs after the flash screen. On the screen I see a prompt. Typing help gives me a lot of possible commands.
    First I booted from the CD and that went well and I was able to use Kubuntu. Because I was impressed with it I wanted to make my PC dual boot. But is won't work > >

    PLease help me !!



    Re: PC hangs after flash screen Kubuntu


    So you did a wubi install? That is you had XP running and used the installing program on the disc? Please let us know.

    Also, have you checked how much space you have left on your F disk? It may be that you have simply run out (the 600 odd MB on the disc blow up to more than 2GB!).

    Finally, if it isn't a space issue, could you describe more fully what you are experiencing and when, i.e. what you click, what happens then, what you see, etc.

    Glad you liked the system when you used the live CD - oh, and I nearly forgot. Which Kubuntu is it? 8.10 or 8.04?

    Right, that's enough questions for starters...
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: PC hangs after flash screen Kubuntu


      It is not an space issue, the F-drive has about 40 GB free space. Oh BTW, the disk is FAT32 formatted, the same goes for the C-drive (where windows lives)

      I had XP running and installed with Wubi indeed. However there's also an option to install it from the CD I made from the downloaded ISO-image. I just retried that last option as a full install. Installation is OK. After a reboot I can choose between XP (default) and Kubuntu. Choosing the last one brings up the splash screen. After a few seconds the prompt is shown in the BusyBox (BusyBox v 1.1.3 (debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built in shell (ash)

      The version no. is 8.04 with KDE3 (Hardy Heron).

      Thanks for looking !



        Re: PC hangs after flash screen Kubuntu [SOLVED !!!!]

        Hi all,

        My problem is solved !! I had made my PC dual boot. XP was there first. After several trials it worked. The strange thing however was that I had to make a second choice after the choosing XP from the boot-menu form Linux. So to enter XP I needed to choose it two times.

        Recently I found out that in my boot.ini (boot settings file for XP) a rule was added. This boot file now looks as follows (the line with the dollar sign $ is the one I removed):

        [boot loader]
        default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOW S
        [operating systems]
        multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Micro soft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

        So thanks again for al the efforts !!! As probably always the solution was simple.

        Cheers, I am still enjoying Kubuntu very much. The most urgent matter now is to get internet to look good (using Mozilla Firefox) and to be able to run Lightroom 2 (via WIne).

        I wish you all the best for 2009 and let us hope that Kubuntu will keep growing and that this community will flourish for ever !!



          Re: PC hangs after flash screen Kubuntu

          The most urgent matter now is to get internet to look good (using Mozilla Firefox)
          Have a look at this. Works a treat!

          dibl, in case you are reading this - a possible #20?
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

