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Difficulties with the Kubunt 8.04

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    Difficulties with the Kubunt 8.04

    I am using Kubuntu 8,04 and I feel some difficulties:

    1 - one of the doors USB frontals does not function. In the Windows, it functions

    2 - I want to use the version 64 bits, but I do not obtain to compile drive for the modem motorola SM56. I can compile this drive simulating 32 bits?

    3 - I do not obtain to scan texts. I have a HP 4280, donwload the software of the HP for Linux and exactly thus I do not obtain to scan texts

    4 - after to connect the Internet, I want the browser to open without no command

    Thanks in advance

    Re: Difficulties with the Kubunt 8.04

    Originally posted by rengav
    I am using Kubuntu 8,04 and I feel some difficulties:
    You may have some problems getting answers here, as it is a little difficult to determine what you mean. So, I hope you don't mind my trying to rephrase in order to better know what the problems are:

    1 - one of the doors USB frontals does not function. In the Windows, it functions
    Does this mean that one of the front USB ports - that is, where you put one end of the USB lead in does not work in Kubuntu?

    If so - what kind of USB equipment did you try to attach?

    2 - I want to use the version 64 bits, but I do not obtain to compile drive for the modem motorola SM56. I can compile this drive simulating 32 bits?
    Are you asking wether you can use a 32-bit driver for your Motorola modem in 64 bits Kubuntu?

    3 - I do not obtain to scan texts. I have a HP 4280, donwload the software of the HP for Linux and exactly thus I do not obtain to scan texts
    You are not able to use the scanner, even though you have installed the proper driver?

    What does the scanning program kooka say when you try open it?

    4 - after to connect the Internet, I want the browser to open without no command
    If you mean that the browser will load by itself the next time you log on?

    Simply don't close it when you shut down the PC.



      Re: Difficulties with the Kubunt 8.04

      Debtor for its reply. Continuing with its division:

      1) I tried to use one pendrive. I already took in the support and with the Windows the door usb functioned. Test Kubuntu 8,10 and in it pendrive is had access, but the door usb is always in use
      2) Yes, I am asking if I can use one drive 32 bits of a Motorola modem in Kubuntu 64 bits
      3) I used Kooka to scanner text, I installed appropriate driver. But the result is not nor a little similar to gotten with the software of the HP in the Window - perhaps either the my language, portuguese
      4) This item is not relevant
      I wait that you understand what I wrote The topics most important are 1 and 3.

      Thanks in advance

