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Can't start Dolphin (symbol lookup error)

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    Can't start Dolphin (symbol lookup error)


    I've upgraded to Kubuntu 8.10 last weekend and since then I've been unable to use Dolphin, nor Konqueror.

    Dolphin looks like it is starting (appears in the taskbar) but then nothing. When I try to start it from the Konsole, here is what I get:

    dolphin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN7Soprano11FilterModel20parentStatementAddedERKNS_9StatementE
    Konqueror does start but I cannot access my home folder. The error message is:

    QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load /usr/lib/kde4/ (/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN7Soprano11FilterModel20parentStatementAddedERKNS_9StatementE)
    I've googled it but could not find this exact error. For what looked like close issues, the suggestions were to reinstall libsoprano4 which I did but that did not fix the problem.

    I'm really stuck now...

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Re: Can't start Dolphin (symbol lookup error)

    did you try reinstalling them?


      Re: Can't start Dolphin (symbol lookup error)


      I did yes, but no luck!

      I was thinking about reinstalling Soprano maybe?

      But if I do a

      apt-get remove --purge libsoprano4
      I get 100+ packages that will be removed...

      Can I somehow redo a full reinstall of all the KDE4 apps, making sure I get all the latest libraries? I bet some package got messed up with previous KDE4 ones...


        Re: Can't start Dolphin (symbol lookup error)


        Yes, something got broken in the upgrade, maybe it is the libs. Here is what I would try, in that order.

        1st: try reinstalling kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4
        2nd: install synaptic (if you don't have it, and look for "Custom Filters"-> Broken Packages
        3rd: run in a konsole "sudo dpkg-reconfigure --all"
        4th: search in adept/synapti for all installed kde packages, and select reinstall.

        I think, most likely, steps 1 or 2 will fix the issue (I have a hunch for 1st, because these symbols are usually stored in the core libs)

        Warning: steps 3 and 4 would take a long time.


          [SOLVED] Re: Can't start Dolphin (symbol lookup error)


          Thanks for your suggestion. I haven't tried it though.

          I finally decided to reinstall 8.10 from scratch using the LiveCD and everything is now working fine (as you would expect ). More than that actually as I now realise that many things were broken (icons in particular were completely wrong). So it was probably the best thing for me to do rather than trying to fix things bit by bit.

          It's possible that my problem came from the fact that I played a bit with KDE4 development at the beginning of the year and that things might have got broken then.

          Still I would advise people to install from the LiveCD rather than try to upgrade. If like me you have your /home on a separate partition then you shouldn't loose anything apart from your installed apps (always backup your data first!). KDE4 is a big jump from KDE3 and I definitely understand that getting the upgrade right must be tricky. Just my 2 cents...

          Anyway I now have a clean Intrepid Ibex install working & looking great

          Thanks again.

