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SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

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    SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

    Alright, so absolute beginner, windows refuge, loving Kubuntu

    I recently changed my desktop's look and then it went all scary on me, I can get "to" the desktop,

    This means that everything is "there" but I can't see it, or I can only see outlines, but I can't reset the settings because I can't see where to go

    This all happened when I clicked on two effects from system settings. I changed it so that when the windows are minimized they just disappear instead of animating the minimization, and this desktop snow effect that lets it snow on the desktop, it sounded cool.

    I am always confused on these forums so if you could take it slow for me I would appreciate it,

    I am running Intrepid Ibex

    Re: Can't See the Desktop

    One way to do it - if you haven't made lots of customisations which you wish to keep - is to stuff the live CD into a drive, boot it, and find the .kde directory then re-name it.
    That's with a dot in front of the kde.

    Another way if you have another OS on the HD is to boot into that and do it from there.

    A new one with default values will be generated when you re-boot.

    Edited for clarity.


      Re: Can't See the Desktop

      Here is your recipe:

      1. log in
      2. press CTRL+ALT+F4
      3. log in
      4. type
      mv ~/.kde4/share/config/kwinrc ~/.kde4/share/config/kwinrc~
      Explanation: ~ stands for /home/your_username
      5. press CTRL+ALT+F7
      6. press CTRL+ALT+backspace
      7. login again

      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: Can't See the Desktop

        ^^ I'll have to remember that one...
        It looks easier.

        I thought you were a noob !


          Re: Can't See the Desktop

          I enter the code and I get bash : not directory etc, so I ,with what little shell knowledge I had, used cd command to get as far in there as possible,

          There was no .kde4 file, but there was a .kde, so I used that, and then got all the way to config, but there is no kwinrc
          so I found:

          but no Kwinrc,

          Is there some other information I can give you guys that might help?

          Thanks for your help


            Re: Can't See the Desktop

            Aarrgh! You are quite right - this was for 8.04 Hang on...
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


              Re: Can't See the Desktop

              8.04 had ~/.kde4, in 8.10 it reverted back to ~/.kde - but you know that already

              You MUST have a kwinrc in ~/.kde/share/config/ - please note that kwinrc is not equal to Kwinrc. Linux is case sensitive.

              In the light of this please go to ~/.kde/share/config/, do a
              ls -la
              to list all files in that directory and you will see a kwinrc

              Now rename it to ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc~ by doing a
              mv ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc~
              Carry on as above and report back.
              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: Can't See the Desktop

                Yay that worked with the exception of adding a sudo here and there

                But it did not like renaming it the same thing, so I renamed it kwinrc1, it worked, hope it doesnt comeback to bite me
                thanks guys!


                  Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                  Thanks for marking it as solved!

                  The ~ at the end of the file is the "normal" way of marking a backup, that is why I suggested it. What you did is perfectly acceptable and you may as well delete it now

                  Shouldn't really need a sudo though as you were moving in your home directory only where you have full read and write rights.
                  Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                    Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                    Originally posted by toad
                    Shouldn't really need a sudo though as you were moving in your home directory only where you have full read and write rights.
                    Except in the case where someone has been mucking around in there with root privileges and saving files as root. Doing that has the potential to affect system operation drastically and is one more reason why users benefit from understanding file ownership and permissions.


                      Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                      Originally posted by tinker
                      Originally posted by toad
                      Shouldn't really need a sudo though as you were moving in your home directory only where you have full read and write rights.
                      Except in the case where someone has been mucking around in there with root privileges and saving files as root. Doing that has the potential to affect system operation drastically and is one more reason why users benefit from understanding file ownership and permissions.
                      Right. Save a file in ~/.kde with root privileges, and you're done logging in to the GUI or running X as a user.


                        Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                        If anyone ever did anything silly like that it would, naturally speaking, be a typo and the offending finger should be cut off for good measure.

                        A quick and simple remedy is of course a:

                        sudo chown -R your_username:your_username /home/your_username
                        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                          Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                          Aargh, I wanted the reference to your_username to be in italics!
                          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                            Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                            Some/most tags don't work inside the "quote" tags, for some reason. Colors don't work either.


                              Re: SOLVED: Can't See the Desktop

                              Oh, don't they now?

                              there was once a Topic around here somewhere...

                              i'm sure there was...

                              perhaps it got bored with being ignored.

