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Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

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    Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

    Originally posted by blackbelt_jones
    Hardy enjoys long term support, so I don't think you'd miss important updates for a long time to come... but if you're a KDE3 fan, I think it would be nice to use the pearson repository for KDE3 in Kubuntu. It would probably be easier than reinstalling your whole OS, and you'd be contributing to the long-term viability of KDE3.

    The repository is still new. I had a slight problem that I got around, and which has since been fixed, and it's all been great ever since. If you want to cover all your bases, download and burn a Hardy CD so that you can always reserve reinstalling your OS as a back up plan in case there's a problem.
    Here is what the link comes up with:
    I have been personally contacted by the Kubuntu developers and asked to take the repository offline. At this point, to avoid further problems, that is what I have done.

    Don't worry, we will be working on a proper way to get KDE3 onto Intrepid!
    Any other options?

    I too am a bit fed-up with 4.1.3 and feel 4.1 is in many respects work in progress. Hopefully 4.2 will have the rough edges rounded off.

    Would appreciate best method to revert to 3.5 while retaining Intrepid without screwing things up. Have remastered anyway to play safe.
    The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason .....Benjamin Franklin<br />Kubuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Xbuntu 9.10 x64&nbsp; Win7 x64 Ultimate<br />Linux User: 416878&nbsp; &nbsp; Kubuntu User: 22154

