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Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

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    Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

    Well, I've been trying Ibex for awhile and I think I want to go back to KDE 3.5. Would it be better for me to install 8.04, or should I install KDE 3.5 on top of 8.10 and then delete KDE 4? If I installed 8.04 would I miss important updates?

    Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

    Hardy enjoys long term support, so I don't think you'd miss important updates for a long time to come... but if you're a KDE3 fan, I think it would be nice to use the pearson repository for KDE3 in Kubuntu. It would probably be easier than reinstalling your whole OS, and you'd be contributing to the long-term viability of KDE3.

    The repository is still new. I had a slight problem that I got around, and which has since been fixed, and it's all been great ever since. If you want to cover all your bases, download and burn a Hardy CD so that you can always reserve reinstalling your OS as a back up plan in case there's a problem.


      Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

      Originally posted by jk4y
      Well, I've been trying Ibex for awhile and I think I want to go back to KDE 3.5. Would it be better for me to install 8.04, or should I install KDE 3.5 on top of 8.10 and then delete KDE 4? If I installed 8.04 would I miss important updates?
      8.04 is supported until 2011.4 while 8.10 supported until 2010.4, so if you use 8.04 you will receive important updates longer than 8.10

      KDE 3.5.10 in 8.04 is rock solid and I think stick with 8.04 is strongly recommended if you like KDE3.5 series.


        Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

        What exactly is the pearson repository? I already got it and am going to try it out but I'm just wondering what it does exactly to extend the life of KDE3. I totally forgot that kubuntu tells you how long they are going to support a release for. 2011 seems like quite a while, so reinstalling 8.04 is always a viable option. Thanks for the replies.


          Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

          What it is exactly is an unofficial repository, not officially affiliated with the distro. Another example of an unofficial repository for Ubuntu is the medibuntu repositories. Other distros, like opensuse, are really quite dependent on unofficial repositories to do just about anything.

          It's pretty simple. What the Pearson repository does to extend the life of KDE3 is carry it forward as an option for future Kubuntu releases. The main reason why I would recommend it in your case is pretty simple, because you already have Intrepid installed.

          Personally, I didn't see much difference between running KDE3 on Hardy and running it on Intrepid, but I want to contribute to KDE3 remaining viable, so I deliberately choose to support and help test the Pearson repository, but I don't assume that anyone else has that interest, unless they go into full-blown "KDE4 sucks!" mode.

          KDE4 does not suck. It's an important project that everyone is going to benefit from, but people need to understand that KDE3 is alive and well, and likely to be supported for years. Aaron Seigo's article is a great source of reference for this.

          There is no schedule for KDE3 to stop being supported. KDE3 will be supported as long as there are users, and right now there are millions. If you want support for KDE to continue, just keep using it, and if your distro drops it, the community will pick up the slack. KDE3 users can all stop bashing KDE4, because no one can take KDE3 away from us against our will.

          Because KDE4 is such a huge, ambitious project, and such a long journey, it's not going to be very helpful to look back to previous releases for some sort of timetable. KDE3 is going to hang around a lot longer than KDE2 did.


            Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

            I've just added the lines to my sources.list and the key, i then fired up Adept and told it to <Fetch Packages> then <Full Upgrade> then <Preview Changes>, it makes scary reading...

            There are 117 to upgrade, and 14 to remove, those to remove are:


            I don't care about the strigi-applet, and i can possibly live without kteatime.... but kcontrol, kde-systemsettings, kdm, konqueror kubuntu-desktop, quanta...?

            I've un-ticked the repo for now. 8)

            Maybe someone could explain why these apparently-important bits have to go.

            Edited to add:
            Incidentally, this is in Hardy 3.5.10


              Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

              i have ibex/kde4 installed on my laptop alongside feisty. i have hardy/kde3.5 on my desktop machine and i generally use grub as bootloader on both.

              i have to agree with the frequent statements regarding kde4; it seems quite strange in comparison to kde3.5 - unrecognizable in fact. Obviously the developers were going for something completely different - and they succeeded.

              i haven't specifically looked, but given the huge difference in 'look and feel' between 3.5 and 4, it would seem reasonable for /someone/ to put up a tutorial or introduction to using kde4.

              my $0.02 8)


                Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                Originally posted by aged hippy
                I've just added the lines to my sources.list and the key, i then fired up Adept and told it to <Fetch Packages> then <Full Upgrade> then <Preview Changes>, it makes scary reading...

                There are 117 to upgrade, and 14 to remove, those to remove are:


                I don't care about the strigi-applet, and i can possibly live without kteatime.... but kcontrol, kde-systemsettings, kdm, konqueror kubuntu-desktop, quanta...?

                I've un-ticked the repo for now. 8)

                Maybe someone could explain why these apparently-important bits have to go.

                Edited to add:
                Incidentally, this is in Hardy 3.5.10

                If you're running Kubuntu Intrepid, which uses KDE4.1 , and you want to use KDE3.5.10, the repositories will remove all the KDE4 stuff and replace it with KDE3 stuff. If you're running Hardy, which already has a KDE3 repository as default, there's no point.

                Actually, I'm more into apt-get then adept, but it seems to me that you must be talking about a different repository, one for switching to KDE4 on hardy. Anyway, whatever you're talking about, I think the answer to your question is that everything that is removed will be replaced.


                  Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                  Originally posted by bleu rider
                  i have ibex/kde4 installed on my laptop alongside feisty. i have hardy/kde3.5 on my desktop machine and i generally use grub as bootloader on both.

                  i have to agree with the frequent statements regarding kde4; it seems quite strange in comparison to kde3.5 - unrecognizable in fact. Obviously the developers were going for something completely different - and they succeeded.

                  i haven't specifically looked, but given the huge difference in 'look and feel' between 3.5 and 4, it would seem reasonable for /someone/ to put up a tutorial or introduction to using kde4.

                  my $0.02 8)

                  If you can't find anything here, try the KDE site:


                  If you can't find anything here, try the KDE site:


                  Also, Aaron Seigo, who I follow on Twitter, mentioned that there are a lot of KDE4 instructional videos on youtube.


                    Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                    I'm happy to keep Intrepid as KDE 4.x, but i thought that you meant that the adding the pearson repository would add long-term support for KDE 3.5 - now that i've got my glasses on i can see that you didn't mean that at all.

                    Sorry about that... i'll go back to sleep.


                      Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                      Originally posted by aged hippy
                      I'm happy to keep Intrepid as KDE 4.x, but i thought that you meant that the adding the pearson repository would add long-term support for KDE 3.5 - now that i've got my glasses on i can see that you didn't mean that at all.

                      Sorry about that... i'll go back to sleep.

                      Yeah, as far as I can see, if you want KDE3 and KDE4 for Intrepid together, you may have to do some compiling. I don't know, that's just a guess.


                        Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                        No, i'm happy with KDE 3, it does all i want and need, and does it quickly, smoothly, and efficiently. That's what a computer OS is for - in my opinion. 8)

                        I like Intrepid and the new not-desktop and i like to think that it's going to help Linux to knock Microsoft from it's dominance of the OS market, and i'll keep those two partitions Intrepid is on up-dated and up-graded until we get to Zany Zebra but i will probably still have Hardy where it is now.


                          Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                          Well, I tried using the ibex/KDE3 and it seems like it would be easier to just reinstall 8.04(I don't have much on here, just formatted) It's not so much that I hate KDE4, I just feel that it still has some bugs that need to be worked out and it lacks a little bit of the that I loved so much in hardy. Maybe I will try the next KDE4 revision. Thanks for all the opinions everybody.


                            Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                            Originally posted by aged hippy
                            No, i'm happy with KDE 3, it does all i want and need, and does it quickly, smoothly, and efficiently. That's what a computer OS is for - in my opinion. 8)
                            KDE4 may seem to you like crazy eyecandy now, as it does to me, but it also seems to hold the potential to allow users to organize their work and their data in productive new ways down the road. Just keep an open mind and use what you want to use.


                              Re: Downgrade to KDE 3.5?

                              Not that easy. Lots of things don't work -- Kopete for KDE4, for example, doesn't work right, unlike Kopete for KDE 3.5. Can't adjust clock settings, can't adjust fonts, random crashes.

                              You can't just pick and choose without risking random crashes.

                              I agree that KDE4 will be smoothed out in a few months, but despite the eye-candy appeal of KDE4, it just isn't worth it , yet.

                              There aren't that many underlying improvements in Intrepid Ibex that make it worthwile over Hardy Heron. Guest user? Nah. Scripts for Virtual Machine installation? Nah. You have to know a lot before you start playing with Virtual machines. Groupware integration scripts? Nah. You have to commit to Zimbra or Kolab anyway before you go to groupware. A script helps a little, but the Intrepid Ibex helpers are in their infancy. Network Manager? Yes, the Ibex version works slightly better than the original hardy one, but if you have updates turned on in Hardy, it is a moot point.

                              Give Ibex a miss. Plan for Jaunty Jackalope, by which time KDE 4's wrinkles will probably be smoothed out quite a bit.

                              Reinstall Hardy Heron; downgrading doesn't work -- all kinds of configuration files start to become messed up.

                              Originally posted by blackbelt_jones
                              Originally posted by aged hippy
                              No, i'm happy with KDE 3, it does all i want and need, and does it quickly, smoothly, and efficiently. That's what a computer OS is for - in my opinion. 8)
                              KDE4 may seem to you like crazy eyecandy now, as it does to me, but it also seems to hold the potential to allow users to organize their work and their data in productive new ways down the road. Just keep an open mind and use what you want to use.


                              Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
                              and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.

