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Direct Connect in KMyMoney

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    Direct Connect in KMyMoney

    Installed Kubuntu 8.10

    I successfully installed KMyMoney2 with the OFX plugin from the claydoh repository (thanks!). However, the manual says to get direct connect to work I need to do the following:

    Direct Connect

    OFX Direct Connect is now supported in KMyMoney. This gives you the ability to contact your bank directly to obtain statements. In the future, there will be more help written, and this will be moved to its own section.

    To enable this, you must compile KMyMoney with the --enable-ofxbanking switch. This requires some additional libraries. You'll need libxml++-1.0 version 1.0.1 or higher, and libcurl version 7.9.7 or higher.

    Libcurl was already installed. Haven't found libxml++1.0 yet ( though I did see a documentation file?)

    Being new, I have no idea how to compile with the --enable-ofxbanking swith?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Re: Direct Connect in KMyMoney

    It sounds like the version you downloaded should already have ofx enabled. If not, then you may need to compile it yourself. This requires you to download the source code, and it should come with instructions on compilation.

    When trying to compile, you'll probably get errors saying such-and-such package was not found, or similar. You then need to install the -dev package. For example, you have libcurl installed, but to compile KMyMoney, you'll also need libcurl-dev
    I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


      Re: Direct Connect in KMyMoney

      I'm pretty sure OFX is enabled but like I said, for direct connect you need to do more. I have found instructions on how to compile the program, but haven't seen anything on the ofx banking switch. Nothing in the install or readme files that I could see.


        Re: Direct Connect in KMyMoney

        No need to compile, as I have already done that for you in the package from the ppa
        When you install it, it will automatically grab and install all the needed libraries and bits you need from the standard repositories (such as libofx for online banking)

        Once you set up your account in KMM, just click on Account -- map to online account and fill in all the required info.

        There is now a KMM section in KDE's new forums if we can't answer your questions about it here.


          Re: Direct Connect in KMyMoney - Resolved

          I guess I just missed that input parameter in the account set up. My bad, its all there.

          Thanks! May all my Kubuntu problems be so easy!

