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8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

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    8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

    I did an adept upgrade and everything seem to go OK. But when i tried to login it would just resend me back to the login in screen. so did some digging and found this error - KDM PAM_CK_CONNECTOR NO X11 mode. I am unable to locate anthing on this error. What i was able to do was to gdm be the front end for login and then set KDM as my default. this id working, but kludge to me. any help would be appreciated.

    Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

    appears there was just a post with this kind of problem...
    check here >
    &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


      Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

      i will try that. but i did get the kde gui, it just would not bring the desktop up after logging in.


        Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

        Did you notice this "Known issue" at the bottom of the homepage?

        Can not login after upgrade from Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 Remix. After an upgrade from Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 Remix, logging in will return directory to the login screen again. The x-session-manager alternative link is not correctly updated. Select "KDE" from the Session Menu before logging in and fix it with update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/startkde. (Bug 287488).
        Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


          Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

          i guess i did not read the bottom, but will try taht.


            Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

            what file would you update that in. sorry still a newbie, but getting ready to take a boot camp in a couple of weeks.


              Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

              It's a command to execute at a command prompt, are you familiar with that?

              you can select a console login at the login screen or you could press ESC during early boot time and select "Recovery mode", then choose "Drop to prompt".

              Once you executed the command

              update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/startkde
              you can reboot the computer with the command
              shutdown -r now
              If you're executing these commands as a normal user (not root), you will have to add "sudo" in front of the commands to use administrative rights.
              Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


                Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

                i will go give that a try and let you know what happens. thank you.


                  Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

                  did not work. i have looked at the bug and did what they said there, but did not work. i will continue to look. currently have it going to gdm login and the bring up kde


                    Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

                    Please try (from command line):

                    dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
                    dpkg-reconfigure kdm
                    One of the two might be able to restore some settings.
                    Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


                      Re: 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade

                      will try that. thank you.

