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Help me Understand Hard Drive Disk access

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    Help me Understand Hard Drive Disk access

    I have a 20 gig drive, which is my aster drive, and a 2 gig which is a slave. Kubuntu sees both drives. How do I tell Kubuntu to use the 2 gig slave drive as part of the whole? Do I have to create a seperate directory for it? (i.e. /etc/mnt/newdisk) or can I tell it to include the 2 gigs as part of root (/)? What I'd like to do is just treat it as part of the root folder along with the 20 basically...treat the two parts as a whole. Is this possible?

    Thank you in advance.

    Re: Help me Understand Hard Drive Disk access


    I don't think it's possible, maybe if you can make them be one by bios... I don't think there's something like this...
    You should more use it for swap, home or temp directory maybe... as you said, to mount it as /home, /tmp or whatever small enough to fit in 2 gigs



      Re: Help me Understand Hard Drive Disk access

      Technical babble:
      Actually, Linux (not just KDE), sees everything as under one filesystem. It sees your 2GB drive as a folder under the /media folder (default for Ubuntu, other distros use /mnt I think), which is under the / (root) folder.

      There are two ways to get what you want, but in the end, the computer will still see that 2GB drive as a separate drive, no matter what you do. These ways are really unnecessary and gives an added layer of complexity. Use it if you really know what you're doing and at your own risk. (In short, I don't recommend it unless you really, really, really know what you are doing and you really, really, really need to).

      1. Easy way: just make a soft/symlink to the mount point of your drive. For example, if your 2GB drive is mounted to /media/hda2, then:
      sudo ln -s /media/hda2 folder_name
      Notes:you need to do this as root, hence, the sudo.

      2. Long way: change the mount point of your 2GB drive from /media/xxxx to something else, like /my_drive, directly under the root directory. Don't forget to use the needed permission settings.

      Having said those, I recommend that you just use that 2GB drive for some things that don't require your constant attention, like a swap drive or for /tmp or /var directories.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Help me Understand Hard Drive Disk access

        I kinda thought that's the response I would get. But I appreciate the suggestions, and I think I'll use it as a swap drive, since it is so small. (remember when 2 gigs was alot of space?)

        Thanks for your feedback though!

