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is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

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    Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

    hahahah ok dude you rock my example ... i will tell you what i do with my private kubuntu

    use this for setup the static ip connection

    sudo ifconfig ethX xx.xx.xx.xx netmask xx.xx.xx.xx
    sudo route add default gw xx.xx.xx.xx
    sudo echo nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx >> /etc/resolv.conf

    where "x" is variables ... for your private settings

    for the problem with partition writing use sudo mode like dibl say ...

    i am not sure what you mean with the other 3 points and i cant tell you nothing about but this will fix the first 2 for sure

    have luck

    buckeyered80 what do you mean kde4 look like vista kde is made to look like you want if you want to look like vista it will if want to look like tomy lee with hepatite c it will ! i just must know how to do it

    kjjjjshab i don't have experience with that video engines but in that moment i browse via voodoo 3 banshee that runs generic driver and there is NO problems the OS is xubuntu
    proc:Intel Pentium Dual&nbsp; CPU&nbsp; E2220&nbsp; @ 2.40GHz Cash Size 1024KB<br />hdd:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 3GB/s 500GB<br />vc:Nvidia Zotac 8600 GT AMP edition 256MB GDDR3<br />ram:1 block Kingston 1GB DDR2/667 1 block JetRAM 1GB DDR2/667 Dual Channel mode<br />Fully Compatible with Kubuntu 8.1 + KDE 4.1.2 <br />Tested &amp; Appro


      Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

      soulslayer, unfortunately it didnt work. this is what i entered exactly:

      sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
      sudo route add default gw
      sudo echo nameserver >> /etc/resolve.conf

      but then it said permission to edit resolve.conf denied, so i tried:
      sudo echo nameserver
      then it said:

      do i have to restart or something for it to take effect, or should it be automatic? konquerer still says page cannot be loaded...


        Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

        Yeah, I think KDE 4 looks like Vista. I would rather them imitate the Mac OS, which is alot cooler in my opinion. Nevertheless, I still love Kubuntu and I will wait on KDE 4 to improve.
        Anyway, so balls, are you using a D-Link router? I wonder if you might just need to reset the router and reconfigure the settings there as well? If I remember correctly, D-Link used the 192.168.2.x range...


          Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

          hmm verry strange then try

          sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and there add the line
          nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx

          and try what buckeyered80 says to restart the router

          to reset ethX interface try
          sudo ifconfig ethX down
          and then
          sudo ifconfig ethX up
          proc:Intel Pentium Dual&nbsp; CPU&nbsp; E2220&nbsp; @ 2.40GHz Cash Size 1024KB<br />hdd:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 3GB/s 500GB<br />vc:Nvidia Zotac 8600 GT AMP edition 256MB GDDR3<br />ram:1 block Kingston 1GB DDR2/667 1 block JetRAM 1GB DDR2/667 Dual Channel mode<br />Fully Compatible with Kubuntu 8.1 + KDE 4.1.2 <br />Tested &amp; Appro


            Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

            ok, did that, now when i open konqueror and type a normal webpage it says Connection Server refused
            Possible Causes:
            -the server may not be able to allow requests
            -the server may not be running service (http)
            -theres a network firewall (but i have no firewall, im actually very hackable ;-))

            so it seems that im online, but i cant view webpages or connect to anything.


              Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

              Ok, it might be a router problem. Try connecting straight from your DSL, cable, or satellite modem into your system, thus bypassing the router.


                Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                now it says "unknown host". i think ill downgrade to 8.04 and see how that works, its seems as if 8.1 is for some reason not yet compatible with certain networking hardware. this is the first time ive ever had connection problems with linux, so im guessing that older kubuntu versions should work fine. yet again i learn to never get the first release of anything new, wait till they fix the bugs first.
                thanks for the help anyway.


                  Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                  hmmm realy strange for sure but duude come on dont give up try to find some help in freenode i think there some one will help you

                  but if you want try older version and post the results
                  proc:Intel Pentium Dual&nbsp; CPU&nbsp; E2220&nbsp; @ 2.40GHz Cash Size 1024KB<br />hdd:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 3GB/s 500GB<br />vc:Nvidia Zotac 8600 GT AMP edition 256MB GDDR3<br />ram:1 block Kingston 1GB DDR2/667 1 block JetRAM 1GB DDR2/667 Dual Channel mode<br />Fully Compatible with Kubuntu 8.1 + KDE 4.1.2 <br />Tested &amp; Appro


                    Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                    Unless your ISP provided you with a static IP account - unlikely; almost all 'normal user' ISP accounts are dynamic IP's - then you should only have the following entries in your /etc/network/interfaces file are:
                    auto lo
                    iface lo inet loopback
                    The /etc/resolv.conf file is dynamically maintained by root, and contains the DNS address(s) supplied by your router:

                    The DNS (Domain Name System) IP Addresses currently used by the Router are shown here. Multiple DNS IP settings are common. In most cases, the first available DNS entry is used.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                      yeah that's point too

                      hah but with your opinion Snowhog here in my country there is no normal isp's
                      proc:Intel Pentium Dual&nbsp; CPU&nbsp; E2220&nbsp; @ 2.40GHz Cash Size 1024KB<br />hdd:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 3GB/s 500GB<br />vc:Nvidia Zotac 8600 GT AMP edition 256MB GDDR3<br />ram:1 block Kingston 1GB DDR2/667 1 block JetRAM 1GB DDR2/667 Dual Channel mode<br />Fully Compatible with Kubuntu 8.1 + KDE 4.1.2 <br />Tested &amp; Appro


                        Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                        balls, earlier on in this thread you mentioned that your ISP changes your IP address every hour. Usually systems can obtain a new lease without problems, what is your network architecture, a router often handles this stuff, as well as NAT for internal network.

                        It seems that you have some confusion about the difference between the IP address that faces the Internet and IP addresses on your internal network. Those non-routable IP addresses, in the 192. etc. range can't be used for connection to your ISP, you have to use the one they assign or their server won't talk to your system/network.

                        So, I am forced to agree with dibl's answer to your question. And, I don't think it fair to say 8.10 sucks because of that problem you are having. Maybe some of the other problems are also not the fault of 8.10. As someone else has mentioned, it's just been released maybe you would have better luck with something that has already had bugs worked out, did you have any luck with 8.04?

                        My guess on the video would be that your video RAM wasn't totally cleared and the effect you are seeing at boot is an artifact of that. Does it happen from a cold boot too or only with a reboot from Windows?


                          Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                          tinker, i just uninstalled 8.1 and tried with 8.04. net doesnt work there either, which is strange because in the past i used to praise linux for its ability to automatically go online. i dont know what i changed or what happened to hardware since then.
                          if the 192. range wont work then what should i do? theres simply no solution to this. i can give you whatever info you want, and you can "hack" my system and see if you can fix it. if you succeed, you can steal all my personal info.


                            Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                            Getting back to if 8.10 sucks or not ...I notice that most experienced users are defending this newer version - some of the fixes suggested seem daunting for an average user ...for me, a simple user, I found 8.04 working fully "out of the box" and have really enjoyed it !
                            However, after almost a week of trying to get 8.10 to simply boot and re-burning 4 CD's and one DVD, I was kindly advised by Snowhog to simply load in safe graphics mode and that did the trick. Now that I'm using it, I find myself faced with too many issues to bring up in this post ...some I have figured out on my own and others I will not bother with since I am definitely sticking with Hardy Heron ...I actually use Kubuntu for all my daily computing needs and I suck at being a beta tester for a quirky (unfinished) release.


                              Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                              Originally posted by balls
                              tinker, i just uninstalled 8.1 and tried with 8.04. net doesnt work there either, which is strange because in the past i used to praise linux for its ability to automatically go online. i dont know what i changed or what happened to hardware since then.
                              Well balls, first I would like to point out that the two versions are 8.04 and 8.10 because the naming is related to the month in Kubuntu's set release schedule. April and October, 04 and 10. not a big deal but it often can be helpful if everyone is on the same page when we are talking. No doubt you already understand the value of correct terminology.

                              Until you get your router setup correctly, no operating system will be able to automatically go online. A note here:If you don't know what you changed, how could any of us know?

                              Originally posted by balls
                              if the 192. range wont work then what should i do? theres simply no solution to this.
                              Of course there is a solution, it would come from setting up the SMC router you have with the correct information. As I mentioned previously, those non-routable IP addresses are for your internal network and you will need to follow the instructions in the router documentation and the instructions from your ISP to get your router talking to your ISP's servers with the IP address they assigned to your account. There's really no way for Kubuntu (or any other GNU/Linux or Windows or Mac) operating system to do that automagically for you. Your ISP probably has a help line, although, they might not know anything about Kubuntu, the administration page for routers is usually accessed via a browser and that is not operating system specific.

                              You did mention that you don't have much patience and that is too bad because patience would probably be your friend, so you could use a logical step-by-step approach.

                              Originally posted by balls
                              i can give you whatever info you want, and you can "hack" my system and see if you can fix it. if you succeed, you can steal all my personal info.
                              Well balls, yes, I am confident I could "hack" your system if I were sitting at the console. However, The main reason for these forums (we're users here, not a professional help line for an operating system) is for users to help other users learn to use their system. In order to do so, you have to supply information, then you have to patiently try the advice you are given. Along the way, if you choose to learn about concepts that you don't understand, then you have to read about them and ask specific questions. Constantly going on about how something doesn't work usually isn't productive and it exhibits a mindset of expecting failure. Even your choice of topic title leads people to make assumptions and make it very likely that the most knowledgeable and helpful people here won't even read it. Note poster Dart, "Getting back to if 8.10 sucks or not", when people read your title, that's what they come to discuss, and rightly so. Dart also makes a good point, use a release that has had bugs worked out if you are not good at fixing bugs. Many people use 8.10 easily 'right out of the box' but if you happen to have hardware that doesn't work without tweaking then you have to either learn how to tweak it, or get someone else to do it for you, or look elsewhere. Is there a LUG (Linux Users Group) in your area? If you took your system to a meeting, they probably would help. There are also people who make their living doing Linux support, you could pay one of them to do it for you.

                              As to the last part, why would I have any interest in your personal information?

                              Good luck!


                                Re: is it just me or does kubuntu version 8.1 suck?

                                balls, tinker's point is valid. If 8.04 does not automatically go online on a wired system then your router is borked.

                                Get out the info that came with the router and access it from your browser (usually, but I have also seen or simply a name). Best is to reset the creature to factory settings and input your access data again.

                                You should be okay again from then on.
                                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

