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Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

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    Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

    Hi hope u can help me with this problem.

    I have kubuntu 8.04 installed in one partition and kubuntu 8.10 installed in another partition, I'm able to see my home folder from kubuntu 8.04 with no problems, the thing I wanna do is keep that home folder but uninstall kubuntu 8.04. How can I do that? I would also like that in the grub, kubuntu 8.04 stop appearing.

    Hope you can help me

    Re: Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

    What partitions do you have on the HD? (how many, how big)

    If you are not sure, sudo blkid in a terminal/console will tell all.


      Re: Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

      Hi, and thank you for ur answer my HD is 140 Gigabytes, my kubuntu 8.04 has 110 gigas and my kubuntu 8.10 has 30, my home folder (that is on kubuntu 8.04 partition) is about 60 gigas long, hope this helps you help me.

      this is what the konsole gave me with blkid

      /dev/sda1: UUID="6f095d24-59f4-418e-8b91-7b9f76369220" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
      /dev/sda5: TYPE="swap" UUID="883cfca7-abf0-4fb3-bd19-3c4b977c0dca"
      /dev/sda6: UUID="5904aee4-3bdc-41eb-a934-f0af52e666d9" TYPE="ext3"
      /dev/sda7: TYPE="swap" UUID="57079dc6-d8bb-4559-9790-df7c6c228bfe"

      Thank you


        Re: Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

        Looking at that, i must admit that there are others here that will be able to help you with much more skill than i can

        I assume that sda1 is the 110Gb (kubuntu 8.04) partition, and that sda6 is the 30Gb (kubuntu 8.10) partition. Is this correct?

        I further assume that sda1 is the one which you wish to keep (with home), and sda6 you're not quite so bothered about for the moment. Is this correct?


          Re: Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

          hi and thanks for the answer, actually I was able to do everything with 3 partition (using a partition editor called gparted I think) to my disk everything runs fine, but now I would like to edit my grub because I only have ubuntu 8.10 in my pc but kubuntu 8.04 stills appear (I don't have kubuntu 8.04 anymore) hope u can help me

          Thanks Ser


            Re: Uninstall kubuntu 8.04 because I have kubuntu 810

            You're Welcome.

            I'm no Grub expert, but i would be inclined to simply comment out the offending lines by putting a # sign at the start of the line.

            Edited to add:

            The file you need to edit is your menu.lst, if you press <Alt><F2> and put the following in the box: kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst it will take you straight to it.

