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cdrom in use

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    cdrom in use

    I am trying to install Kubuntu 8.10 into Windows XP Media Edition on my Acer with AMD 64 Athon. It goes through to the checksum and then makes a disk image and there the message comes up cdrom in use restart or cancel. I have tried even moving the wubi to a hdd but still the same reply, any suggestions?

    I would try to do a dual install but I am not sure if I want Kubuntu yet and I really need to see if it will meet all my needs. At this point if it does not install then I will not be going further.

    I do like the looks and it seams to be attractive but does it do printer sharing like Window xp? I am so use to Window that I am not sure and really want to try it out. But I am not willing to commit at this time if it will not install into Windows.

    Re: cdrom in use

    Perhaps a starting point will be to state what your fundamental needs actually are. If kubuntu camnnot meet them and they are deal-breakers, then your Linux experience is likely to be short lived.

    For example - printing. There should be absolutely no problem printing to a network printer per se - the bigger question will be what printer is it. Some makers are far better than others at either making Linux Drivers or releasing the technical specs so the open source community can make the drivers. As a result, you are far more likely to be able to easily print to hardware that has, say, an HP or Brother label than one that says, say, Lexmark. Before you take the plunge make a note of the printer you want to print to and check here

    Others, if we know what you actually want your computer to do, then we can advise you whether you ought to be able to do it.


      Re: cdrom in use

      Ummmmm ... notwithstanding "wubi", Linux is NOT a Windows app!

      May I suggest you make a Kubuntu Live CD, boot it, and (ignoring the slow speed caused by running off a CD) experiment with the browser, multimedia, Open Office, and whatever else is of interest, and see if you have further questions or concerns that way. Running it under Windows is hardly a useful test of anything, in my opinion.

      p.s. Windows XP is an app on my Linux system, FYI:

      [img width=400 height=300][/img]


        Re: cdrom in use

        Dibl that's where I want to get to i.e Windows as an app.

        What vitualisation system are you using? I can't seem to make vmware fly.


          Re: cdrom in use

          VMware Player 2.5 is what I'm using.

          And of course you can see it's on Kubuntu 8.10 with Compiz running. This link (and the ones in it) should cover the subject -- ask if you hit a problem.

