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external Hard drive problem please help

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    external Hard drive problem please help

    hi i have this usb hard drive cady with a 40gig hard drive in it it is formatted in fat 32 as it is a media player as well and this is all the cady supports for playing back media the problem is i use this all the time on windows machines but it dont work under Linux i get it to mount and to read it but the problem is its all garbage i have pasted the fdisk info and a screen shot of the dolphin window

    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdc1 1 4865 39078081 b W95 FAT32

    [img width=400 height=320][/img]

    hope you all get what i mean sorry still sleepy

    direct link to screen shot as thats a bit small

    Re: external Hard drive problem please help


    ummm...I see you have music, video and pictures folders...anything in those?

    I am guessing that the other garbage text may mean that you don't have anything to read those files/folders becaue of format issues? (and I am really guessing) My external usb hard drive and all files on it is fully recognizable on my wife's xp system and either one of our Kubuntu laptops...


    God Bless
    Malachi 3:10 ESV <br />...says the LORD of hosts... I will not you...<br /><br />Linux user since 2001 pda; 2006 lappy


      Re: external Hard drive problem please help

      I guess that the files were created and named in Windows. Linux does not have the same fonts and comes up with the squares. I am not sure why one or two files have readable names and most don't. Can the names have different fonts? I am also not sure why some folders seem to have the same symbols?

      Also what format are the files in? WMA (Windows Media Audio) or MP3s. Do you have photos in JPEG? Are they readable?

      I would look at installing kubuntu-restricted-extras from repository . Install the Medibuntu repository (Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu). Go to for instructions about how to add this. Then make sure you have installed mscorefonts and w32codecs (if you have 32 bit) or w64codecs (if you have 64 bit).

      Then let us know how you get on...
      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: external Hard drive problem please help

        Can you read the pictures folder?

        And while you are on fonts: after having enabled the medibuntu repository you may want to do a:

        sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts ttf-liberation
        If your problems has anything to do with fonts that will get rid of it.
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

