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newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

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    newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

    hello to all.
    i'm a computer engineering student form spain, (in my defense i've began classes only 2 weeks ago ), and this is my very first contact with Linux.

    following a teacher's advice, i've installed Kubuntu 8.04 KDE3.59 on my LG r510 laptop, in parallel with Vista.

    install went well, but:

    1) it won't connect to the network. To start with i've connected it to the cable connection(LAN) in my dorm-room (that's connected to the University's main network) using the GUI i've told it to automaticly acquire the connection setup (just as i use in Vista) but it says all addresses are
    i'd really like to get it going, so i can install the VPN client required to access the internet (the client is provided by the University on it's site which i can access trough the local network.)

    2) the screen resolution is 800x600 and i can't change it, i'm not very worried though, as i think it needs drivers for the 9300GS Nvidia on my system (i supose it'll do it it's self once i manage to connect to the internet) won't it?

    3) there's no sound but here as well i hope it'll update drivers and "fix" itself.

    any advice is welcome and apreciated

    best regards, Xblade

    P.S i'd like to apologize for my poor english, and for being so dumb with Linux.
    My system: <br />Lg r510 laptop<br />Centrino 2 <br />P8400 Core2 Duo @2.26Ghz<br />4Gb RAM+2Gb Robson<br />320Gb hdd<br />NvIDIA 9300GS 256MB RAM<br />Windows Vista 32bit\ Kubuntu 8.04KDE3.59 64bit

    Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..


    Your english is fine! Don't apologize. 80% of Americans only know one language, and you are on par with many of them and this is an 'extra' one for you!

    I only have the expertise to comment on what I said above, but I do agree with you that your points 2) and 3) will probably be fixed once you have a connection.
    I am guessing that the
    Originally posted by xblade
    the VPN client required to access the internet (the client is provided by the University on it's site which i can access trough the local network.)
    is your problem....I know someone else will come along with additional help!

    Dios Bendiga
    Malachi 3:10 ESV <br />...says the LORD of hosts... I will not you...<br /><br />Linux user since 2001 pda; 2006 lappy


      Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

      Hi Xblade

      I'm not going to to be able to answer your question, but I can try and get enough information here for someone to help you. What we'll need to know is what the name of the VPN client is so that we can see what the university needs for the connection. Any other settings they supplied will also help (settings for the VPN client). DO NOT post your username and password, only the other settings.

      It might be a Cisco client, or a host of other possibilities. If you post that, I'm sure there will be someone that can assist you.

      Once you are connected it should be a lot easier to address the other issues.



        Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

        If I were a teacher (well I am/used to be but not in this area) - I would recommend that before any install, run the live CD with the preferred Internet connection. (LAN, WIFI or whatever).

        That way the student will know what problems to anticipate.

        So what I assume you could do is:

        1. Start from the live CD with the student cable in the PC.
        2. Get the University guidelines for how you connect - preferably Linux style.
        3. Try that from the CD.
        4. If it does not work - is there a help desk at the University?

        The reason is - when you are doing things from the live CD, you don't mess up things. I know not everything can be solved from the CD, but at least Internet connection should be possible to resolve.

        I say this, because a Kubuntu without Internet connection from the install stage is - well not useless, but fixing problems without is rather tricky.


          Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

          thank you for your replies.

          revdjenk, i haven't reached the point where the VPN connection becomes a problem, i'm still strugglling with obtaining a network address and connecting to the LAN...

          i've looked up the client provided by the University (browsing in Vista), dlded it, and opened it in Kubuntu. there's some files named cisco-something therefore i think it's a cisco client (it kinda' makes sense, the windows client is also provided by cisco.)

          nilsA, we didn't get to run it form the CD, the teacher came to class with a stack of cd's gave them out, and we had a bit of an install party then he asked us to boot both Windows and Kunbuntu to check if they work, and that was that.... i supose we'll work on the remaining problems as we advance in the course...
          only thing is i was impressed by the LOW-LOW-Very LOW resource consumption, and wanted to make linux my main OS .....maybe i should wait....and stop buggin everyone on the forum...

          ...i gotta run to class

          i've read that the configuration for the network is stored in /etc/network/interfaces. what is it suposed to contain?

          My system: <br />Lg r510 laptop<br />Centrino 2 <br />P8400 Core2 Duo @2.26Ghz<br />4Gb RAM+2Gb Robson<br />320Gb hdd<br />NvIDIA 9300GS 256MB RAM<br />Windows Vista 32bit\ Kubuntu 8.04KDE3.59 64bit


            Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

            Originally posted by xblade

            nilsA, we didn't get to run it form the CD, the teacher came to class with a stack of cd's gave them out, and we had a bit of an install party then he asked us to boot both Windows and Kunbuntu to check if they work, and that was that.... i supose we'll work on the remaining problems as we advance in the course...
            only thing is i was impressed by the LOW-LOW-Very LOW resource consumption, and wanted to make linux my main OS .....maybe i should wait....and stop buggin everyone on the forum...

            These problems are always interesting, and some will most probably know what's the problem.

            Do you have the live CD? If so - the first thing to do is check the disk at boot. Many weird problems come from obscure faults in install CDs.

            What's bothering me is that it looks like you connect just fine to the university network using Windows? My experience so far (countless installs on 6 PCs) is that Kubuntu (as most modern Linux distros) are simpler to get to connect to the Internet: It just happens. It's been a long time since I tried on a PC not wired or having a WIFI possibility. Even WIFI most of the time is no problem. (But then, living in a low risk community, I use mac-address only security.) Kubuntu is certainly superior when using WIFI now and wire the next moment: No problem at all, while XP is a lot of hazzle.


              Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

              i had class with the teacher who supervised and recommended the install. he very kindly spent more than half an hour setting the system up, stting up /etc/network/interfaces.conf, installing a vpn client, etc.
              but surprise surprise, i just turned kubuntu on and it doesn't even find the wired connection, it's happend before, when i tried to modify interfaces

              it's really getting on my nerves now, 'cause when i was doing it i assumed it was my fault for not knowing what i was doing, but the teach' ..well he teaches LINUX for cryin' out loud.
              My system: <br />Lg r510 laptop<br />Centrino 2 <br />P8400 Core2 Duo @2.26Ghz<br />4Gb RAM+2Gb Robson<br />320Gb hdd<br />NvIDIA 9300GS 256MB RAM<br />Windows Vista 32bit\ Kubuntu 8.04KDE3.59 64bit


                Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

                That is strange (Kubuntu not finding the network).

                I wonder if it is actually finding the ethernet chip in your computer, but the network admin has turned off DHCP, and required static IP addresses?


                  Re: newbie, ton of problems, network, display, sound..

                  Originally posted by xblade
                  i had class with the teacher who supervised and recommended the install. he very kindly spent more than half an hour setting the system up, stting up /etc/network/interfaces.conf, installing a vpn client, etc.
                  Like dibl says, setting up the network interfaces should not be necessary.

                  Maybe the "old ways" are what are what is beyond your problems?

                  If you don't have the live CD, download one in Windows, burn (many recommend 4x), boot, check the CD, and run the live CD. Then see what happens.

