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Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

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    Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)


    Sorry for my bad english.

    Now my problem is when i updatet kubuntu....the boot option for windows disappeared..i mean when i start my the begining i can choose which OS i will use. Now there is only Linux.
    I know that i need to edit menu.lst but i dont know how...i am a beginner in linux world.
    Please help...i have some important programs and other stuff in windows vista.

    Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

    Right after GRUB loads, there should be a menu, the bottom option of which is Windows Longhorn, which is the Vista loader. At least that's how my system is. I'm assuming that you installed Kubuntu on free space on your hard drive.

    Hope this helps! I'm new to this myself...


      Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

      Found this on another distro forum...

      Just for information I got it working by restoring the Windows MBR with Super GRUB Disk
      ( ).
      Then it booted directly into windows but still got an error message. So then I tried the windows repair option of the windows install DVD again, and this time it recognized & repaired windows so now windows runs fine.

      So you have the first fix, and an idea to work on if further action is needed...

      God Bless
      Malachi 3:10 ESV <br />...says the LORD of hosts... I will not you...<br /><br />Linux user since 2001 pda; 2006 lappy


        Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

        Do you know on which partition your windows is?
        if you add this to the bottom of your menu.lst, it will try to boot windows from the first partition on the first disk:

        title Windows
        rootnoverify (hd0,0) <- change this to match your windows partition!
        chainloader +1

        good luck!


          Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

          Thank you grobbel.

          That worked just fine.

          You saved my day.



            Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

            Mmm... Grobel is a nice guy - didn't know that fix. I've copied it just in case I have a problem duel-booting one of my linux Distros with another on the same Hard Disk. I like messin with different distros on my experimental PC . This 1 (I'm writing on is my main one). Ok enough of the goin down on ma knees to grobel, grovellin :P
            Terabyte<br /><br />Non sibi sed omnibus (Not for oneself, but for all)


              Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

              That should teach everyone how useful it is to make a backup copy of each and every file before editing it

              Nothing like a good panic attack, pedagogically very useful (well, for me, anyway )
              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: Please help!!! Can't boot into windows vista after updating kubuntu(boot screen)

                Originally posted by grobbel
                Do you know on which partition your windows is?
                if you add this to the bottom of your menu.lst, it will try to boot windows from the first partition on the first disk:

                title Windows
                rootnoverify (hd0,0) <- change this to match your windows partition!
                chainloader +1

                good luck!
                Note, that you can use the commands above at boot time, too. Just press 'c' when the GRUB menu appears. For example, if you don't know the partition number of your windows installation you can probe it that way.
                root (hdx,y)
                chainloader +1
                in this order should let you boot from the command line, if I'm not mistaken.

