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CD mount for mixed media CDs

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    CD mount for mixed media CDs

    Cant get mixed media CDs to mount. Get a big long error message:

    Method "Mount" with signature ssas on interface "org.freedesktop.HAL.Device.Volume" doesn't exist.

    Have trawled through lots of forums and got advice to try:

    sudo mount/media/cdrom0/ -o unhide

    Got this error message:

    mount: can't find /media/cdrom0/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

    Did this command:

    cat /etc/fstab

    and here's what's in my fstab:

    /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>

    Looks like there's NOTHING in my fstab!!!
    No idea what to do next - anyone got a suggestion?
    I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!

    Re: CD mount for mixed media CDs

    Originally posted by bernieszu

    /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>

    Looks like there's NOTHING in my fstab!!!

    OK, there's got to be considerably more to this story ....

    Tell us about NTFS partitions, and maybe "helpful" added software sources.


      Re: CD mount for mixed media CDs

      Here's a pic of my partitions - don't understand what they all are or why one is disabled. Installed Wine recently - could that have done something? What do you mean 'helpful' software?
      Attached Files
      I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


        Re: CD mount for mixed media CDs

        Wow ... I don't understand what I see there ... more questions that ideas. :P

        1. Any clue what happened to the partitions that were between /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda5?

        2. That "disabled" partition is an odd one -- why would an internal hard drive partition be mounted as a USB partition?

        3. With no /etc/fstab file to look at, I wonder which partition your Kubuntu filesystem is on?

        Open a Konsole window and try
        sudo blkid
        for fun. Maybe we'll learn something that way. Also,
        sudo fdsk -lu
        can be very informative.

        "Helpful" unofficial sources is my shorthand for the stuff formerly known as "Automatix". It has been known to wreak havoc on /etc/fstab and also /etc/apt/sources.list.


          Re: CD mount for mixed media CDs

          Thanks for your help with this,
          Did what you suggested and Oh er!

          sudo blkid gave this:

          /dev/sda1: UUID="948fb0d0-7875-4137-8365-aff054b7c890" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"

          /dev/sda5: TYPE="swap" UUID="21d2d5ee-52c7-4166-960c-6b4ef6b12aac"

          /dev/sdb1: LABEL="KINGSTON" UUID="3433-3231" TYPE="vfat"

          (I forgot the pen drive was in so I'll take it out before doing anything else)

          sudo fdsk lu gave this:

          sudo: fdsk: command not found

          And yes, I do have Automatix installed, but have absolutely no idea why - I think it was installed when I got the system - I have certainly never knowingly used it!

          What should I do next?
          I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


            Re: CD mount for mixed media CDs

            Originally posted by bernieszu

            sudo fdsk lu gave this:

            sudo: fdsk: command not found
            OK, I screwed that up. The command is "fdisk -lu" sorry.

            And yes, I do have Automatix installed, but have absolutely no idea why - I think it was installed when I got the system - I have certainly never knowingly used it!
            Well, congratulations, you're the zillionth and one person that got his /etc/fstab file borked by Automatix! >

            It looks like /dev/sda1 is your Linux filesystem with /dev/sda5 being swap. Not knowing anything else about your system, it's difficult for me to know how to reconstruct what was there before Automatix had its way with you. You can look in /etc/ and see whether there is a backed-up fstab file -- that might show how the optical drive was configured. I'll find a typical fstab line for an optical drive and add it to this post, for whatever that is worth.

            Personally, I'd be backing up my data and deciding which daily build of Kubuntu 8.10 to install .....

            EDIT: Here's the typical line in /etc/fstab to mount your optical drive:

            /dev/scd0    /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0    0


              Re: CD mount for mixed media CDs

              Okay, thanks so much for this help, dibl.
              the fdisk command gave this:

              Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
              255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors
              Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
              Disk identifier: 0x90909090

              Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
              /dev/sda1 * 63 309942044 154970991 83 Linux
              /dev/sda2 309942045 312576704 1317330 5 Extended
              /dev/sda5 309942108 312576704 1317298+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris

              So your guess was spot on.
              Reckon I'll try the fstab line first and if no joy I'll bite the bullet, backup and reinstall.

              Thanks again,


              I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!

