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Changing the resolution from 800x600.

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    Changing the resolution from 800x600.

    I am new to Linux and I know I shouldn't be messing around with betas but how else can you learn without trying. My question is one that I've seen quite often but no one seems to give a straight answer. I would like to know how to change my resolution from 800x600 and my refresh rate from 60 to something higher. I know about xorg.conf but I really don't know the code for all of this stuff so I get stuck at this point lol. any step by step answer that will solve my problem would be great!

    Re: Changing the resolution from 800x600.

    Originally posted by fenderdude78
    I am new to Linux and I know I shouldn't be messing around with betas but how else can you learn without trying.
    Well, some people learn by reading about a topic and then experimenting, however, not everyone learns the same way. Just to be clear, by beta do you mean that you are using 8.10?

    Originally posted by fenderdude78
    My question is one that I've seen quite often but no one seems to give a straight answer. I would like to know how to change my resolution from 800x600 and my refresh rate from 60 to something higher.
    Part of the reason for that is that there is no *one* straight answer that works in every case. A lot of the problems that people have with this is related to driver modules that are needed to support their chipset, and/or mode lines that need to be added to xorg.conf (but one size does not fit all, as the saying goes). I note that you didn't mention anything about your video card or chipset or monitor, that is likely to cause some delay in an answer because now someone who wants to help you will need to ask and wait for you to answer. That might be part of the reason this hasn't been replied to up to now

    Originally posted by fenderdude78
    I know about xorg.conf but I really don't know the code for all of this stuff so I get stuck at this point lol. any step by step answer that will solve my problem would be great!
    lol, indeed. For one thing, did your video work to your satisfaction when you were using 8.04 Live CD or could you try it and see? Since it seems from what you said above about no straight answers that you've been reading forum posts, have you tried any of the things suggested in the posts. If so, did you get any error messages? If so, what were they (both what you tried and the exact error message if it failed)? I've read a few posts where a solution was included. If you know your video card you might try the forum search with that as a keyword to see if you get a hit you could use.

    As you can see, it isn't going to be easy for anyone to give you a step-by-step without a bit more data so they know where to start. How new is your computer? At least, you could mention the computer that you have and someone could look up the stuff that you might not know. If you're comfortable with the command line on a terminal, often people here help someone walk through the commands necessary to check your hardware. This is a very helpful community, when people show a genuine effort and good attitude, there is always lots of friendly help and support.

    As you already seem to sense, no, most experienced users wouldn't recommend that a newbie start out on anything but a stable release, because it can be easier and a good way of getting a feel for what should be happening before one starts using software that might still have a bug or two. Of course, sometimes people need something that is only available in a newer kernel because of newer hardware. Since 8.10 is so close to release it's probably working very well now and becoming more bug free every day.



      Re: Changing the resolution from 800x600.

      Originally posted by fenderdude78
      I would like to know how to change my resolution from 800x600 and my refresh rate from 60 to something higher.
      Write me please some more details about your system and machine.
      - Which linux, 32bit or 64bit, kernel
      - Laptop or PC
      - Manufacturer of your graphic card (if nvidia I can help)

      What have you tried already, etc.
      Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520


        Re: Changing the resolution from 800x600.

        sorry for the lack of details i realize that may help just a little lol.
        My monitor is a SAMSUNG SyncMaster 226BW with current drivers which is not the problem.
        My video card is a Nvidia Geforce 7600 GS a little older but it shouldn't be too obsolete to run Kubuntu if it is able to run Vista. On thing that I do suspect is the driver for this card though, it is up-to-date with windows but I believe they use different drivers but I am not sure whether it matters or not. My computer is a pc which is a GateWay GT5012 only like 3 or 4 years old. I have a pentium D processor which is a little older but still work suffiently. The linux I am running is 32 bit. The beta is 8.10 which I believe is gonna be released on the 30th though I also had this problem with 8.04. In the xorg.conf it is basically blank. Here is mine...

        # xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)
        # This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
        # values from the debconf database.
        # Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf manual page.
        # (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
        # This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
        # if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
        # package.
        # Note that some configuration settings that could be done previously
        # in this file, now are automatically configured by the server and settings
        # here are ignored.
        # If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
        # again, run the following command:
        # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

        Section "Device"
        Identifier "Configured Video Device"

        Section "Monitor"
        Identifier "Configured Monitor"

        Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Default Screen"
        Monitor "Configured Monitor"
        Device "Configured Video Device"

        it really doesnt have any information but i havent really messed with it because I dont want to do something stupid being new to this and not feeling to comfortable with code. I have updated all the drivers except the video card driver is giving me a little trouble with Linux.


          Re: Changing the resolution from 800x600.

          Originally posted by fenderdude78
          sorry for the lack of details i realize that may help just a little lol.
          OK. I will write what I had one, but
          I will suggest to backup system

          I have GeForce 7000M and I was using this driver:

          You have also nvidia, so download and unpack one of the latest drivers for your card from here:

          Pres Alt-F2, and:

          "kdesu kate /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common"

          without the quote marks, and give it your password when prompted.

          With the file open in Kate, insert "nv" and "nv_new" in the DISABLED_MODULES line, so that line looks like this:
          DISABLED_MODULES="nv nv_new"
          and "save" it. Close kate and open the Konsole:

          (some of those might not work, or return strange messages - write them somewhere, for future if there will be a problem and procede anyway. Instead rich -r you should put there your user name.)
          sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`rich -r` build-essential gcc gcc-4.1 xserver-xorg-dev
          sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common
          sudo rm /etc/init.d/nvidia-* 
          sudo rm /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed
          Exit the Konsole. Do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and switch to a tty terminal.
          Log in, cd to Desktop (or another place where you downloaded and unpacked driver. write down/print rest of steps on the paper before you'll proceed)

          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
          to stop the X server,
          (If you will have just black screen for longer than 20-30sec press again Ctrl_alt_f1. You should be back in command line)


          sudo sh
          (instead of that you need to put here name of your driver you downloaded. sometimes when I unpack file it goes to another folder with the same name and I wonder why any command doesn't want to work. 'ls' always helps )

          Follow instructions and let him save everything. Be sure you are connected to internet.

          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
          and (hopefully) observe the Nvidia splash screen prior to your GUI Kubuntu login screen.

          Do Alt-F2 and enter "kdesu nvidia-settings". This will open the nvidia-settings utility in Super User mode.

          Open the "X Server Display Configuration" tab. Click the "Resolution" button and set it to your favorite resolution. Leave "Refresh" on "Auto".

          Now click the "Save to X Configuration File" button in the lower right. Leave the checkmark in the "merge" box, and click "Save". Now this is the new default setting.

          Sometimes this is not necessary because after this installation it goes already to highest resolution.

          Those instructions were taken from:

          and I am not the author

          Hope this will help. There is always a way to install Envy and that is easiest way to change resolution, but didn't work for me.

          Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520


            Re: Changing the resolution from 800x600.

            I dont know if this is a stupid question but what program did you use to unpack the drivers?


              Re: Changing the resolution from 800x600.

              In k/ubuntu it's Ark... or you can do it straight from Konsole. Read some manuals about tar and tarballs.
              Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520

