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Upgrading and installing with Adept

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    Upgrading and installing with Adept

    I've just installed Kubuntu in an old computer and starting to find my way around.
    I want to install some programmes and upgrade others. I have found the list of these but Adept won't let me do anything unless I am the administrator. I installed Synaptic via the konsole but this programme does the same. There is no button to go into administration mode and I have no idea how to login as administrator.

    Can someone help?

    Re: Upgrading and installing with Adept

    It should ask you for your password. If it doesn't, and won't let you make any changes, press <Alt> <F2> and type into the field: kdesu adept_manager and then give it your password.

    Incidentally, Welcome.... and Have Fun.


      Re: Upgrading and installing with Adept

      Thanks for the reply. It does actually ask for a password but the programmes disappear when I type it in.

      Would a fresh install of Kubuntu help? (not that I know how to do that)


        Re: Upgrading and installing with Adept

        I must admit, that is what i would be inclined to do. My motto is: if it takes longer than an hour to sort out - it's quicker to re-install.

        As for how to do it, stuff the CD into the drive, re-boot, and when the CD has booted, select the Check disc for defects option.

        If that is successful, select your locale, keyboard, etc, then the installer will spend a while looking at your discs.

        When it's finished, select the Manual method, this will lead to more disc-examining, and if you don't have anything on the disc that you want to keep, delete any partitions already there, and create three partitions on it.

        I am assuming that as you said "an old computer" that there is nothing on it which you want to keep.

        If you create the first partition ~10Gb and tell it to format it ext3, and to mount it as / i think it will default to that. This is where the OS will live, it won't use all that, mine uses 4Gb, but 10Gb is a nice, round number.

        Then create another partition of the rest of the HD minus ~1Gb, tell it to format it as ext3, and to mount it as /home.
        This is handy for re-installing, you keep all your settings this way.

        The rest (1Gb) tell it to format and use as Swap, it may not be necessary, but... old habits die hard.

        Press <Forward> and roll a cigarette.


          Re: Upgrading and installing with Adept

          Thanks Aged Hippy, that all sounds very sensible and I'll try it out tonight. Apart from the rolled cigarette......


            Re: Upgrading and installing with Adept

            You are Most Welcome.... i'll smoke that one for you, then.

