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Connection to internet

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    Connection to internet

    Hello, I've been having problems connecting to my internet/ISP. I can't really problem solve or dive deeper into the issue or troubleshoot it much because I'm sharing the connection. However, my question is whether it's possible that something in the distro would contribute to the problem.

    I'm asking this because I switched over to my sidux partition and I have internet. Is that just a coincidence? I've been using Kubuntu all weekend and my connection keeps dropping. I'm using a wired connection. No need to worry about a wireless connection for now.

    It could just be coincidence but I was having trouble trying basic tasks.

    I couldn't use: 'ifup eth0' as I was getting errors that suggested no connection at all.

    I was hoping someone could suggest some trials or tasks to try in order to troubleshoot or test the connection.

    I tried to ping yahoo but the output was that it was not reachable or something like that.

    Re: Connection to internet

    So you are dual booting, one distro works connecting to the internet and the other doesn't?
    Did you check all of your setting in Knetwork manager?
    What do you get if you do a ifconfig in Konsole?
    If you have a router... can you ping the router?
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