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Cannot connect to internet

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    Cannot connect to internet

    Hello, I recently installed the latest version of kubuntu (from the iso from the downloads section as of 3 weeks ago). The network device is recognised just fine, however, when I try to turn on zeroconf network browsing (which I assume I need for internet access) I get an error window saying:

    command not found!

    Is this a common error? or am I doing something wrong? Am I even in the right section to get access to my network? This error happens regardless of whether or not the ethernet cable is plugged in.

    I'm also getting errors concerning mp3 support, but thats something that might resolve itself once I get internet access.

    A 3rd problem: I want to use my PCMCIA wireless card (a linksys card that is supported in linux). The thing is, I'm not sure if the card is broken or not. It does work on my windows machine, however it is quirky in windows, occasionally not detecting networks until i restart, and will not work on my kubuntu machine (which may be related to the ethernet problem).

    Re: Cannot connect to internet

    Welcome, kubuntu and to linux

    First, the zeroconf network tool is for locating other computers/devices on a LAN network at home or office. I am assuming that you do not have such a network and so are getting the proper error.

    As to your connection to the Internet, however....

    Originally posted by akcrono
    The network device is recognised just fine, however,
    Is this for a wired device, listed on the bottom right of your screen?
    It may recognize your device, but not be connected... you should right click on that icon and select your wired connection (if it shows up in a list) you should then be connected.

    Connecting to your wireless should follow somewhat the directions above. You must be sure that your pc card is inserted in your computer and then boot. (and then have it be recognized.
    For wifi, You do this by right clicking on the internet connection icon as well, selecting your ESSID from a list. you might have to provide your ESSID (the name you gave your wifi connection and then the password for the WEP or WAP security (and their variations) if you have set those.

    Answer back if you need further info...

    God Bless

    Malachi 3:10 ESV <br />...says the LORD of hosts... I will not you...<br /><br />Linux user since 2001 pda; 2006 lappy

