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Web browsing?

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    Web browsing?

    I just installed on an old Compaq Armada M700 laptop, 1GB processor, 384MB RAM, 20GB HDD. Wireless connection with a PCI card. Can't seem to access the 'Net. Typing in gets me an error message (Konqueror). When I try to install Firefox (or other browsers) with Add/Remove, Adept Installer crashes (signal 11 SIGSEGV). Is there some trick to getting online? I don't necessarily need Firefox, or any other specific browser, I just want to surf.

    Re: Web browsing?

    Which flavour of Kubuntu are you using, Intrepid? (it sounds like it with that SIGSEV fault), or Hardy?
    If Hardy, which desktop, 3.5.x? 4.1.x?

    If you tell us, someone will happily offer some guidance.

    By the way, Welcome.


      Re: Web browsing?

      Not to sound like a TOTAL newbie, but I really don't know... The disc that I installed from is labeled 8.04, and that, sadly, is the extent of my knowledge at this point, I know quite a bit about Windows and essentially nothing about Linux...


        Re: Web browsing?

        Applications -> System: Terminal (Konsole)

        lspci | grep Network
        What result do you get (i.e., it will hopefully be your wireless card info.)?

        And, if your bottom "panel" is grey/silver in the default install you are very likely running 3.5.x and if it is black you are (likely) running 4.x...

        You can enter
        lsb_release -a
        for your release version... but I don't know how to get the KDE version directly from the command line...

        kde-config --version | grep KDE
        will return your 3.5.x version, but it will even if you are currently running 4.x...

        kde4-config --version | grep KDE
        will return the KDE4 version if installed.

        dang hippies

        aged hippy's method is better... actually, in kde3 you can just right-click the K Menu icon and get to the version if I recall correctly...


          Re: Web browsing?

          If you start Konqueror on the K Menu button, select Help ->About KDE and it will tell you the desktop version at the top.

          Another way is to press <Alt> + <F2> and type kcontrol into the box, and hit <Return>.... but not too hard.
          Kcontrol will tell you on the first screen.

          Sorry, kjjjj.


            Re: Web browsing?

            Okay.. the first command gave me a description of my network card (RALINK RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI rev 01)

            OS version is Hardy 8.04.1

            Desktop is 3.5.9

            Already I'm learning stuff! This is cool!


              Re: Web browsing?

     via a quick google search looks promising... the rt2500 driver should be working for you without anything needed from you i think...

              I'm afraid someone else will need to help you getting the rt2500 working properly though... does anything wireless related show up in Applications -> System: Hardware Drivers Manager ? (I dont necessarily think it should, since it should already be working out of the box, but it is something to check while you're waiting for better help than I can provide).


                Re: Web browsing?

                The wireless connection doesn't seem to be the issue. The machine is telling me that I have a connection, but just in case I hooked up via USB cable to my DSL modem. This connection is CERTAINLY there, but still no results when trying to surf with Konqueror, and the same error message when I try to install Firefox or any of several other browsers listed in Add/Remove (Adept). I don't get it. How can I be connected yet unable to browse?


                  Re: Web browsing?

                  So if you ping a site, say
                  ping -c 5 [url][/url]
                  you get a result?

                  Oh, and you can also
                  sudo apt-get install firefox
                  instead of using the graphical Adept Manager to install. It will ask for your root password.


                    Re: Web browsing?

                    couldn't ping, couldn't install firefox (bunch of error messages incl. "could not resolve", "failed to fetch") Do I possibly need to configure the connection? The machine says it's there, and the IP address looks right (maybe a DNS thing?) Things that make you go "HMMMMMM..."


                      Re: Web browsing?

                      Originally posted by tralfazz0
                      couldn't ping, couldn't install firefox (bunch of error messages incl. "could not resolve", "failed to fetch") Do I possibly need to configure the connection? ...
                      Yeah, it pretty much looks like a configuration problem of some sort... perhaps you should check for some posts with similar problems...

                      You should be able to ignore all the ndiswrapper posts though, because your rt2500 driver should load without a problem... ndiswrapper is a way to run the Windows driver in Linux... I really doubt you need to do that.

                      Good luck!


                        Re: Web browsing?

                        ok, I'll look into that. I find it odd that I was able to download updates, though.


                          Re: Web browsing?

                          Originally posted by tralfazz0
                          ok, I'll look into that. I find it odd that I was able to download updates, though.
                          That was during install I guess I missed that (hard to try and help people and watch football at the same time I guess!).


                            Re: Web browsing?

                            Right after install, I downloaded updates. I've been tinkering with network configuration, and I think that i may have found the culprit. For some reason, the computer stubbornly insists that there is an ethernet connection using the IP address of, even though my router default gateway is At the moment, I'm trying to get it to accept manual configuration. In Linux, is it "ifconfig /all"? Can't seem to get that command to give up the info. "ifconfig" gives me some stuff, but not what I really want.


                              Re: Web browsing?

                              Originally posted by tralfazz0
                              ...the computer stubbornly insists that there is an ethernet connection using the IP address of, even though my router default gateway is At the moment, I'm trying to get it to accept manual configuration. In Linux, is it "ifconfig /all"? Can't seem to get that command to give up the info. "ifconfig" gives me some stuff, but not what I really want.
                              Are you getting a "ra0" in your ifconfig results? That should be there for your wireless card (I think). The eth0 ip address would be different than your default gateway address... btw, have you tried running knetworkmanager and seen what you can see happening in there?

                              (Oh yeah, please don't mistake my attempts at helping you with great advice from an expert... I don't consider myself to much more than a novice... you might want to start a new thread in the hardy/networking forum to generate some more views... I'd post the lspci info and anything else you have put together).

