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[CLOSED] Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

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    [CLOSED] Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

    I implore you us! My hard drive (SATA 80gig) has been reported as almost "full" (100%, say 40mb free) for a while. I only have Kubuntu 8.4 and a few video files on there so there should have around 60 gig free!
    I was in the process of trying to sort this out (I'm new to Linux..been using it for 1 month and am otherwise impressed) but I came to log in this morning and now my log in won't work. I don't know the admin or root user log in if that's an option. If I did what would I do? I'm sure the hard drive is partitioned with about 10 gig for everything except the home directory which should be about 70 gig?

    Now I'm using a Live CD.....ANY HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED!

    Regards, Mark (England).
    Beanpod, anyone?!

    Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

    Originally posted by Jabberwoc

    I don't know the admin or root user log in
    That's pretty fatal, as far as reconfiguring the system for the longer term. You can certainly use the Live CD session to copy data off the hard drive, fsck it, and stuff like that, but a system that you can't administer as root is .... kind of out of your control. :P

    Do you know how to mount the drive from the Live CD session? Do you have another device to which you can back up your data?


      Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

      Hi Urk!,

      I had a similar problem a while back and it proved to be "strigi"

      Maybe it helps.


        Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

        Thanks for the prompt replies, Dibl and Mae!

        I backed up my data onto a 4gig flash drive, formatted the hard drive and reinstalled 8.04.

        Now I have a 10 gig Kubuntu partition and a 66 gig SDA1 drive. BUT.....I had to mount the SDA1 partition in Dolphin (I also set it to "mount at start up") and it appears I can't write to it! I'm new to Linux and don't really get the "root" thing yet...but I should be able to write to both the 10 gig and 66 gig partitions, shouldn't I?
        I also removed Strigi using the Add/Remove Programs utility.

        Cheers in advance...Mark.
        Beanpod, anyone?!


          Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

          I understand. The other hard drive partitions are not automatically set up to be mounted when you install (actually you can do that with the new 8.10 installer, but not 8.04).

          So, you need to make a study of how to edit /etc/fstab to set it up to mount your other non-windows partition when you boot your Kubuntu system. I recommend this guidance:

          Note that the text editor for Kubuntu is kate, not gedit.


            Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

            OK, many thanks for that.....looks a bit daunting though! I WILL read it but............

            As a new user would you recommend that I just reinstall? I'm happy to have just two partitions...the thing is..not being familiar with permissions or mounting at boot-up should I just set the Kubuntu partition to be say 70 gig of an 80 gig drive and be happy with that?

            It would be simpler!

            Thanks for your help,
            Beanpod, anyone?!


              Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

              Well, you "could" have booted a live CD, mounted your hard drive, opened a root shell, entered your kubuntu partition using the "chroot" command and type in "passwd" to enter a new root password, get out of chroot by typing "exit" and reboot - even I managed to do it after I found out about it

              But your space waster is another matter...
              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

                Thanks, Toad!
                [img width=400 height=89][/img]
                This is my FSTAB file. My 66gig space id SDA1 which isn't listed. Having read it seems I can't mount these 66 gig as they aren't listed? Is that correct, please?

                Cheers, Mark.

                Beanpod, anyone?!


                  Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive "full"!

                  Whatever is in the fstab gets mounted at boot time. You are free to mount stuff afterwards - including your sda1 partition. However, if you use it regularly it would make an awful lot of sense to include it in your fstab.

                  During a new install you have the option to include partitions in your newly created fstab file (only if you go into the manual partitioning, I think - that is what I always do).

                  Here is a copy of my fstab for reference:

                  # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
                  # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
                  proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
                  # /dev/sdb5
                  UUID=04765a12-f764-492e-97d2-b33c4c685fe4 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
                  # /dev/sdb7
                  UUID=1e2b22c8-7c00-418a-83ff-5d57bc1a66a6 /.personalhda ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sdb2
                  UUID=691394b9-6077-4466-9e09-c896bd142ef6 /boot ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda8
                  UUID=ef2ad927-eb96-4071-a8a5-93faa32b4876 /downloads ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda7
                  UUID=aa695cf2-aa75-4bf3-b4e4-e715e6decd7f /home ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda6
                  #UUID=f266ea7b-5b3a-40f3-98c9-7f316858e6cb /lenny_root ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda10
                  UUID=134e262d-31c5-4edb-8146-981392111a3c /maint ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sdb6
                  UUID=25b86380-7026-457a-a0b6-9c7d7ae66942 /multimedia ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda5
                  UUID=165169c2-338e-40ed-aa25-1f46b6f52529 /old-home ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda2
                  UUID=8e4adcaa-9566-4f58-888a-f370228827b9 /personal ext3 relatime 0 2
                  # /dev/sda9
                  UUID=f4da70c8-5d7b-4c2e-9316-2573717cac1d /remaster ext3 relatime 0 2
                  /dev/sda1 none swap sw 0 0
                  /dev/sdb3 none swap sw 0 0
                  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
                  /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
                  /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
                  Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                    Re: Urk! Can't log in and hard drive &quot;full&quot;!

                    Cheers, Toad.

                    Yeah...that's what I thought..but even when I mounted SDA1 myself I couldn't write to it. I've re-installed with a 50/50 split of Kubuntu and free space...40 gig each. That'll do me for the time being until I suss it!

                    Thanks for the advice, all.

                    Cheers, Mark.
                    Beanpod, anyone?!


                      Re: [CLOSED] Urk! Can't log in and hard drive &quot;full&quot;!

                      Jo jabberwoccy, I don't want to get on your nerves, but I don't quite understand the notion of "reinstalling a hard drive with 50/50 split..."

                      Just to clarify things, a hard drive is signified by three letters, i.e. sda or sdb. Partitions of those hard drives are numbered, i.e. sda1, sda2, ..., sda12, etc.

                      Primary partitions have #1,2,3 and 4 reserved, logical ones start at 5.

                      Hope that makes sense.

                      BTW, to partition a linux system properly, I'd always have a separate home partition. Again, this is done in the manual partitioning during install.

                      Feel free to ask if anything is unclear
                      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

