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Installing along side Windows

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    Installing along side Windows

    A few months ago I very excitedly took my new Kubuntu CD, plopped in in my laptop and installed it so that it dual boots with Windows XP. Everything went well, and I have learned a lot about using Kubuntu.

    Since then, though, I have tried to do the same thing on two XP desktops, but it appears my success with the laptop was beginner's luck. On both of the laptops, Kubuntu installed successfully, but I could no longer get Windows to boot. I think I did everything the same way as the first time, but things have now not worked right with two separate machines. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

    Re: Installing along side Windows

    Originally posted by ditto1958

    but I could no longer get Windows to boot.
    Although that's not the world's most complete list of problem symptoms, it probably did not automatically set up the Grub boot menu correctly. Study this guidance and follow the steps and you should be able to fix them both in about 5 minutes:


      Re: Installing along side Windows

      I'm not sure what else I know regarding symptoms. All of the machines were running Windows XP If i recall correctly with the laptop I put in the Kubuntu CD and chose "guided." I remember using a slider to set the sizes of the partitions. I planned to keep XP as the main OS and to use Kubuntu just for educational purposes, so I gave Kubuntu about 30% of an 80gb hard drive. To the best of my recollection, Kubuntu just installed and worked. When I start up the machine, I get the screen with choices of which OS to boot. Windows continued to work fine.

      With the desktops I tried to do everything the same way. Kubuntu installed fine on both, but when I restarted the machine and chose Windows instead it was no go.


        Re: Installing along side Windows

        Originally posted by ditto1958

        when I restarted the machine and chose Windows instead it was no go.

        and the error message said what, exactly?


          Re: Installing along side Windows

          Ah, there's the rub. Unfortunately, I don't remember if there was any error message. Maybe I'll just have to try again and see what happens.


            Re: Installing along side Windows

            Follow Qqmike's Grub guidance, and you'll have them fixed in short order.


              Re: Installing along side Windows

              I think you just have to reinstall the bootloader GRUB. (No need to reinstall Kubuntu, just GRUB.)

              For a given Desktop PC, and assuming you have just one hard drive in the PC with XP & Kubuntu on it, start your Kubuntu Live CD and select to run it as a live session (without installing).

              Open Konsole: K > System > Konsole.
              sudo grub
              and press Enter. Now you have a GRUB prompt: grub> .
              Type these commands, each at the GRUB prompt, each followed by Enter:
              grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
              That returns a specific value (hdx,y) (for some x and some y).
              Use that here:
              grub>root (hdx,y)
              grub>setup (hd0)
              Then exit out of the Live CD session and re-boot the PC to test it.
              ((hd0) is with a zero, not an "oh.")
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: Installing along side Windows

                Well, I took a Xubuntu CD today and installed it on a desktop. It works fine and so does Windows.

                I don't know what I was doing wrong before, but this time it worked fine.

