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k3b does not work/ but brasero does

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    k3b does not work/ but brasero does

    I have migrated from one kde desktop to another in search of the best usable. In each of these some things functioned better in one than another. I fell in love with k3b in its functionality in mandriva and bsd. I truly adore being here and using kubuntu 8.04 on top of ubuntu hardy as I do everything I normally do having it work well. (with the exception only) of my out of the box k3b burner. Since I did put kubuntu over my ubuntu through its terminal, I inherited brasero and other programs that work very well.But k3b, my first choice and also my default will not drag or convert audio projects, only data ones. I do know how to use it but it does not work, so I have been using brasero which is similar. Can someone explain to this dope how to repair this without hurting other software that simply works. My experiece in the past showed me that when I tinkered with or deleted softwares, my others failed to work the same way I was happy with them, and I don't want to screw anything up. IE taking out k3b and not having my other burner work. I did notice in my update list this morning, that nautilus was offered, but I did not succumb to downloading it.Thank you in advance for any light shed (another advantage to being here in the ubuntu kubuntu community

    Re: k3b does not work/ but brasero does


    Not sure if this will help or not but in the past several months I have had wierdness with K3B. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't some functions work sometimes they didn't and when upgrading it, it would stop working altogether.
    Granted I am running on a 64 bit Kubuntu system but that shouldn't really matter. What I did to fix was to go into synaptic and remove everything related to k3b (usually when you choose "complete removal" it removes it's depends and config files). Before clicking on yes, I wrote down all the depends and any extra files it was removing then clicked ok. I then reinstalled choosing all the depends and clicking ok. After that I have to say it's been rock solid and even my upgrades have been issue free.

