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what do i backup?

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    what do i backup?

    Ok, I have used Kubuntu in a dual boot set up for a year. since i first installed Kubuntu, i have only upgraded to the current version. I saw "how to back up my way". I want to start fresh and use kubuntu as my main OS il will run xp in VB or VMplayer.

    I have a 40GB Drive and a 80 gig drive. I plan to use the 40GB drive as my root and 80GB drive as my /home

    Besides "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and "/etc/apt/sources.list" what do i need to save to a portable drive and then pur back.

    Where does firefox and thunderbird save their info? I copied the info from windows when i installed it but forgot where it is.

    I thank you in advance for sharing your wisdom with me.


    Re: what do i backup?

    /home is important. It is much easier if on a separate partition, then although you should have a back up of it, when you change OS, all you have to do is tell the new OS (Kubuntu) the mount point of your home partition is /home and no not write a new filesystem to it.

    Firefox and Thunderbird keep their stuff in .mozilla and .mozilla-thunderbird in your /home/ted directory
    use ls -la in a terminal or show hidden files in a file browser.

    In windows, ff and tb keep their stuff in /my documents/application-data/mozilla then one for ff and one for tb.
    you may need to change folder view options to show hidden files and folders before you can see this.

    do you want to remove the partion(s) being used by windows and allow Kubuntu to recover the space or use that for VB or VMplayer?

    The installation manual is good.

    Also and many others
    HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


      Re: what do i backup?

      do you want to remove the partion(s) being used by windows and allow Kubuntu to recover the space or use that for VB or VMplayer?
      yes, i have info stored on the 80gb drive which is the current windows install. which i will back up onto a external hd for safe keeping until reinstall.

      The installation manual is good.
      What install manual? VB? VMplayer?

      I"m going to stay with 8.04 because i'm reading that 8.10 has no kde 3.5 support. does that mean that i cant run amarok? or any other 3.5 program?



        Re: what do i backup?

        Originally posted by smeghead67

        I"m going to stay with 8.04 because i'm reading that 8.10 has no kde 3.5 support. does that mean that i cant run amarok? or any other 3.5 program?
        No. 8.10 has every KDE program that 8.04 has, as far as I can see, including Amarok.

        But, KDE 4 is not KDE 3.5 -- the desktop, panel, and menu are very different in behavior. If you prefer 3.5, better stay with 8.04.


          Re: what do i backup?

          OK I thought 8.10 was not going to support any 3.5 program. I run kde 4.1.2 as my main desktop now. I thought 8.10 would not have the kde 3.x libraries in it.

          I prefer KDE 4



            Re: what do i backup?

            In that case, I'd recommend a clean installation of Intrepid from the 6 OCT daily build ISO images. The reason I say "new installation" is all the posts about upgrade problems. Of course, all data must be backed up first -- clean installation wipes out everything on that partition.


              Re: what do i backup?

              Live CD (oct 8) not booting up all the way >
              resets x when the 4th icon pops up. I'm using a intel mother board based video
              I had to dl 8.04. so I will install it when i get a chance.


