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Need help with Intrepid setup

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    Need help with Intrepid setup

    Ok, I'm not new to Linux, but with Intrepid I'm having problems getting past the keyboard layout.
    I dont know any terminal commands etc. so I'm dumb when it comes to that stuff. I've used Linspire
    and a couple of other distro's, but I really like KDE 4 and would like to move to it instead of using
    Vista. Anyway, when I get to the keyboard layout screen, a little box pops up and basically tries to
    detect my hardware I assume. My system specs are as follows:

    Intel core 2 extreme, 4 gigs ram, 2X 250 gig hdd's, Intel PM945 chipset, Intel 4965AGN Wireless, gbit ethernet,
    Nvidia 8800 gtx Video, Bluesoleil bluetooth (which live cd detects) and Intel High Def Audio (which is also good).

    I'm not sure why, but I figured with all the advances lately in Linux as a whole It was a good time to finally make the move for good, guess not. Hopefully someone will have some sort of answer for why Intrepid wont install.

    Thanks Greatly,

    Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

    Hello leviathan, and Welcome.

    When you click the Next button after selecting your keyboard and layout, the installer spends at least 5 - 10 minutes examining your drives, longer if you have a lot on it/them.


      Re: Need help with Intrepid setup


      you could try this:

      After upgrading to this version, some keys might misbehave in X. Please make sure you have set the keyboard model as Generic Evdev-managed keyboard in System → Preferences → Keyboard, in the tab Layouts. If some keys still have problems, please file a bug against xkeyboard-config, and provide the output of setxkbmap -print and xkbcomp :0 - both run in the Terminal.

      Please bear in mind that this is only a beta or (if you got it before today) an alpha version of the software. As a result bugs are inevitable, some of which may be show-stoppers.

      If you want stability, I would suggest you get Hardy. It's solid. You can also run kde4 on it although whilst I haven't tried intrepid yet I imagine the hardy kde 4 version has not had the same development so many people report kde3.5.10 to be better in hardy - that's my view too. Then, at the end of this month, you can run 1 command and upgrade to intrepid over the internet. By that time many of the issues you will encounter today are quite likely to have been fixed.


        Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

        Thanks for the responses. Anyway, as I said the box pops up and it flashes a couple of things then it
        dissapears. There is no hdd activity and the screen stays put with the keyboard layout still there. I
        left it unattended for about 15 minutes and nothing happened. I may try an earlier more stable
        version, but man do I like the look and feel of 4.1 hopefully I can get this figured out. I'll try and leave
        it alone for a half an hour and see what happens, but the screen seems frozen. If intrepid is looking
        for hardware, shouldnt the hdd be exhibiting some activity?.



          Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

          That's a pretty nice system - similar to my own. Using a Microsoft Comfort Curve USB keyboard, I've never seen a problem with the installer or the keyboard being automatically configured correctly.

          If there's even a tiny chance that your CD burn is not 100% right, you might want to try burning a new one. Burn it slow -- 4X speed. Sometimes a bad CD will take you partially through an installation and then something hangs.


            Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

            Conversely try the alternate cd:

            and yes burn it nice and slow

            Bthw, welcome to the party

            I don't even remember what kde3.5. looks like
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

              My burner wont go any higher than 8X, but I instead went at 6X speed. I'm at a loss as to what it could
              be. I let it sit for about a half an hour and it wont go any further. I hae tried several diferrent methods
              such as noapic, nolapic, edd or whatever that is, to no avail. Guess Kubuntu wasnt destined to go on
              my machine. BTW, My hardware is a laptop so I dont know if that has anything special to add. I'm going
              to d/l an older version of Kubuntu and see if that will work. Until then any suggestions would be
              awesome. Thanks for all the help y'all.



                Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

                You can't get the alternate cd to run either
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

                  Sometimes life is so ironic it is unbelievable;

                  I downloaded Intrepid today, and i am now experiencing exactly the same problem which leviathan describes, select the region, then keyboard layout, up pops a box "Examining Drives" or something, then nothing.

                  Yes, i burned it as slow as Brasero could - 4x - and checked the burn prior to the install - no defects.


                  Bugger, Bugger. Bugger.

                  I'll try again (for the third time) later....


                    Re: Need help with Intrepid setup

                    I apologise for the double post, but to clarify the position:

                    There is a problem (in my experience) with the Install Kubuntu option, if i select it, when i get to the Select Keyboard Layout bit, the installer has a quick look at the HDs, then everything stops.

                    If, however, i select Try Kubuntu without installing (or whatever), the desktop loads, and i can start the installer, decide how to mount the disks and partitions, with no problems at all.

                    The only reason i didn't install is because it kept insisting that the information on sda2 would be deleted.

                    No chance.... that is /, and sda3 is /home for the Hardy install....

                    I intended to replace a Debian on sda5 / with sda6 as /home, but i'll try some other time.

                    I had better go and file a report.

