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Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

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    Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

    Greetings all,

    Yes I'm new to it all. That said I'm not a total idiot and know my way around Win/Mac systems very well. So far I've enjoyed my experience with Kubuntu except for the following:
    1) I've managed to download/install the Matrox drivers that I require to use my hardware properly including making the edits to a sample xorg.conf file supplied by Matrox. I've made all of the appropriate changes to their file reflecting such things as PCI Bus ID, Resolution etc. So now that I have this file ready I simply cant copy and replace the existing one located at /etc/x11/ because of permissions. I've gone through the help pages, read blogs etc. etc. and have tried all the various methods explained - None seem to work.

    I'm obviously not getting something here.
    So if anybody is out their who can create a step by step it would be greatly appreciated.

    FYI: I am using the latest download from Kubuntu site


    PS: Anybody else out there with experience running/installing Matrox P650 boards

    Re: Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

    Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf
    If you want to edit the xorg.conf:

    Press Alt + F2 and type:
    kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf

    If you want to copy a file:
    sudo cp /path/to/my/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    you can start your filemanager with full rights: Press Alt + F2 and type:
    kdesudo dolphin
    kdesudo konqueror
    Krusader has K > System > Krusader-root mode

    Link > FAQ: Root Password
    - What is Root
    - Ubuntu Official Policy > RootSudo
    - sudo, kdesu, kdesudo, gksu, gksudo
    - Passwordless sudo for the script
    - Using sudo to become root
    - Enabling root password
    - Root Revival
    - Enabling Graphical Root login

    and really handy tool > Topic: Root actions service menu
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

      Thanks Kubuntu veteran!

      My first attempt was to try kdesudo dolphin - this then prompted me for my password which I entered and then a small error dialogue box indicating "Command not found" appears on the desktop.
      I have tried the other suggestions as indicated and they all give me the same result.

      Thoughts anyone?



        Re: Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

        kdesudo dolphin - this then prompted me for my password which I entered and then a small error dialogue box indicating "Command not found" appears on the desktop.
        Is this Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron with the KDE 4.1 ?

        Moonrise told in the Topic: KDE 4.1.1 - Improvements?
        Also, I found that KDESUDO still does not work when using Alt-F2 -- "Command Not Found". I still have to specify the path directly
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
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          Re: Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf


          Yes the version is Heron with the most recent KDE 4.1 installed.

          When you refer to the path are you referring to the application (kate) or the location of the xorg.conf file. Could you show a sample.

          What I wish to do is copy the new xorg.conf (located at /documents/xorg.conf) and replace the existing system one located at /etc/X11/

          Again, any help is really appreciated.


            Re: Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

            Hello Quentin.

            Concerning kdesudo, according to the other thread:
            Originally posted by krazy
            This is a known issue that is not going to be fixed in Hardy. It is because the kde4 binaries are not stored in the usual location (to avoid conflicts with the kde3 binaries). kdesudo doesn't know to look in that location, and making it look there would be a security issue apparently.
            Maybe if you log out of 4.1 and into 3.5.x the problem will disappear, that's what i am using, and i've had no problems with kdesudo.

            Touch Wood.


              Re: Changing permissions in order to change xorg.conf

              When you refer to the path are you referring to the application (kate) or the location of the xorg.conf file. Could you show a sample.
              Fintan told in the Re: HH w/KDE 4 - How to edit files as root?
              kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate
              of course you can substitute kate with konqueror or kwrite (if installed), etc

              What I wish to do is copy the new xorg.conf (located at /documents/xorg.conf) and replace the existing system one located at /etc/X11/
              This should work (in the konsole):
              sudo cp ~/documents/xorg.conf /etc/X11/
              that is same as:
              sudo cp /home/<USER>/documents/xorg.conf /etc/X11/
              <USER> is your user/login name.

              also in the konsole:
              sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

              sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user (as root).
              cp - copy files and directories.
              nano - Nano’s ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone.
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information

