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Oh dear! What has happened now? SOLVED.

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    Re: Oh dear! What has happened now?

    Can you tell us what happened/was done 'prior' to your stated "restart" of your laptop that preceded this problem? Did you install any new packages; did you install any new hardware; did you have an interrupted showdown?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Oh dear! What has happened now?

      "Grub loads as usual, then, stops."
      Ok, what then?
      Did a "Press 'ESC', to enter Menu." line appear (Top Left corner)?
      It should have been there.
      (Mind, if you chose this divert your attention 'elsewhere''d miss seeing it! (You/all users have only to the count of Enter the Menu.)
      The "menu" gives you......4 enter.
      Try each, in turn................with a 'reset' (for the ones that don't work), to find out which one will work for you.
      Since your laptop seems to be having a 'display problem'.....this would mean you should try the 2nd Option, first.

      You haven't stated 'what' your Graphics-card is.....(that would be a good clue, as to where to start.)

      IF it is ATI (in a Laptop, this usually means it is a 'Mobile version').........ATI are mostly 'unsupportive'...with all Linux OSs.
      Hence, your problem.
      Use the 2nd Option (the one with 'display problems').
      If you have good eye-sight (I don't)...leave it well alone IF your laptop does BOOT, further, beyond this point.

      IF you can not do this, I'd say.....all that tinkering has 'corrupted' your Linux installation....beyond the point of redemption.
      That a 'reinstallation' may be required.
      Which may provide you with a better Start afresh.
      If this is the case, a change of Graphics-card will certainly help out. (Try a nVidia one instead, they are 'supportive' of all Linux OSs.)
      Check out "Linux Online"(web-site)..if you don't believe me.
      You are trying to stay...with what you have got (in the way of 'hardware'), but, that's not always the best way to to go....with Linux.
      Some 'components' just won't work, no matter how hard you try to get them to work.

      If your laptop is of the newer may be 'struck'.....with a 'double-whammy'. (A 'display problem', and a 'APCI problem'!)

      The 'APCI problem',,,is the 3rd, on the "Menu" List.
      (You can check this out, very easily, entering your Laptop's check IF the APCI 'setting' is Enabled. (If it is, you will have a 'APCI problem', when using the load Kubuntu (or any other Linux OS).
      It ONLY has to used ONCE, but, if you don't change your Graphics-card, you will continue to be the 'double-whammy' effect.
      Sound confusing, I know, but, your 'computer-skills' sounds like they are not up to understanding such a complicated process, I would suggest that you take a real technician, to get them to sort it out.
      (They will probably only 'confirm' what I've already stated.)


        Re: Oh dear! What has happened now?

        Originally posted by Snowhog
        Can you tell us what happened/was done 'prior' to your stated "restart" of your laptop that preceded this problem? Did you install any new packages; did you install any new hardware; did you have an interrupted showdown?

        Well, I had just installed an update of four packages, can't remember which.(This was sunday morning) I was working in Gnome, which I have not done much, and I had been trying to install II alpha 6 on a seperate partition, without success.(probably because of a bad burn, or bad reading of the disc.)

        Saturday night I set the machine on hibernate, but I had forgotten to remove the II cd from the drive, so when I started the machine it tried to boot the cd, giving me a long list of error messages(this was a particularily bad burn, it could not be booted at all.) I shut off my laptop, then restarted into gnome, which told me it "had not been able to hibernate")

        It was a few hours later I restarted, to find that it would not boot properly. Neither can I boot a live-cd.


          Re: Oh dear! What has happened now?

          Well, I fixed it. Running Puppy linux from ram, with no gui, I was able to boot. I then ran the commands provided in the ubuntuforums-link, and restarted. My system is now running fine. Thanks to everybody for trying to help, posting in the kubuntu-forums is a joy, really. To Cookie77: Your estimation of my computer skills are probably fairly accurate, but luckily the forums are full of people much more skilled, and who bothers using time on other people's problems. People like yourself. I am truly grateful, even when the advice doesn't work.


            Re: Oh dear! What has happened now? SOLVED.

            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss

