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Store usernam/password for mapped network drive

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    Store usernam/password for mapped network drive

    I just installed kubuntu 8.04 on an oldish pc in my living room.
    Upstairs i have a win PC with some media that id like to share with this pc.
    I have shared 3 folders on the vista PC.
    and i mapped them using dolphin -> network -> add a network folder.
    It prompted me for the username and password which I provided, but i didn't see any option to save the credentials.
    Every time i reset i have to enter my username and password when i want to browse the folders.
    Is there a way to save the info?
    Ive been looking around for info but i don't know if this is a "samba share" or not so I'm not even sure what I'm looking for
    a lot of the samba info i read was talking about setting up a new linux user and stuff, there must be a simpler way?
