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Amarok and MP3 - again - FIXED

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    Amarok and MP3 - again - FIXED


    I've been restraining myself from posting for the last few days since installing dapper, but I've gotten to the point where I need somone else's help.

    I have installed dapper 3 days ago and it is not my first time I play with Linux or (k)ubuntu, but my knowledge is extremely limited, so forgive me if I am missing some basic knowledge.

    I've tried the stock Amarok that comes with dapper and could not get any sound from it. I do not get any errors, it behaves as it would if it was working, but playing the track lasts only a second at most and no sound comes from the machine.

    In my attempts to get it working I came across Amarok 1.4 b3 and installed that, seeing as it had dapper packages, hoping this would fix the problem, but the behaviour is exactly the same - no sound, playing time <= 1 sec.

    The volume is not muted
    I installed the W32 codecs
    I installed all the libxine modules I could
    I keep getting references to libxine-extracodecs and that it comes from multiverse, but cannot find it.
    Multiverse is enabled in my repositories and I did a 'sudo apt-get update', adept also cannot find it....

    my repository is I am convinced libxine-extracodecs is not in there.

    Any ideas where I can find it? Another country's repositories?
    Any help / ideas / pointers would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:20 PM.

    Re: Amarok and MP3 - again

    The package is there:

    Are you sure you've enabled's not the same as universe


      Re: Amarok and MP3 - again

      Yes, master

      It is people like you who make people like me feel stoopid

      I did enable it, but must have not pressed 'Apply' or something, I dunno.
      I was quite aware that it is in multiverse, went back and checked, and found NO multiverse.

      Put it in again and Voila!

      Thanks, everything works like a charm now. Nice to reply with music in the background. I suppose I could have asked 2 days ago, but now i KNOW how to apt-get.

      Amarok roKs ....hehehe

