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CD Ripping to mp3

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    CD Ripping to mp3

    Note: I got this to work, so I'll write out how I did it as well as pose my question.

    To rip a cd to mp3, I tried using three different programs that said they ripped cds in adept, but in the end it was "Sound Juicer" that worked for me.

    The problem is this:
    The "output format" on all of the programs had mp3 missing, even though in plugins or elsewhere in the settings I could see the LAME mp3 encoder installed.
    Even in Sound Juicer, there was an MP3 profile set up in the preferences, set as "active", but it was just lying to me.

    After a search of the forums I found this command to install the ugly gstreamer plugin:
    sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
    It then asked me to to sudo apt-get autoremove, which I did, and now the mp3 encoder shows up.

    My question is... wtf? I just feel like if I've already installed kubuntu restricted extras (legal bull**** requires this I know), and if the program has mp3 in its list of plugins installed, or profiles active, whhhyyyyyyy does it not work in the first place? It would just be nice to use adept to install a cd ripper, and have it work from there without having to search the forums and use the terminal to fix things - plus I still don't know what 40 some odd things I uninstalled with autoremove, it would really blow if that broke something else.