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Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

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    Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

    Hello everyone

    just installed Kubuntu ..on Acer Aspire 5500 2GB RAM and ATI radeon X700

    Ok lemme state my probs then u suggest solns..

    1. In installation it hasnt asked for any root I cant login as root user so cant do anything....If I supply same pwd as my user it denies ....

    2. No mp3 and avi support

    3. Adept hardware manager and any thing I start like Kmix etc shows a time button and after that nothing comes

    Please help .....ASAP


    Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

    For the MP3 and AVI you will have to install GStreamer codecs. By default they are not included with the install.


      Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

      1. In installation it hasnt asked for any root I cant login as root user so cant do anything....If I supply same pwd as my user it denies
      Ubuntu disables the root account by default and you must use sudo or kdesu from command line to gain root access. I believe this is detailed in the release notes.

      2. No mp3 and avi support
      Search the forums on this one. This has been asked probably thousands of times by thousands of users.

      3. Adept hardware manager and any thing I start like Kmix etc shows a time button and after that nothing comes
      Try running the application from the command line (terminal) and see what the output is. If you get nothing but a clock (launch feedback) then there is most likely an error happening. By launching from the command line you can usually get more information on the error useful for posting here and diagnosing your issue.


      Edit: Try starting here. Tons of help and howto's all in one place


        Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

        Ubuntu disables the root account by default and you must use sudo or kdesu from command line to gain root access.
        I'll just add that there is really no reason to login as root anymore, sudo and kdesu does tje job just fine. On my first Kubuntu machine, I activated the root account, but I found that I never needed it, so on my other 10 or so machines, I didn't bother.


          Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

          Installed VLC by newbie guide ..thnx all

          Next Q : How to install ATI radeon X700 Drivers for 3D Desktop effects ?

          Also,what command to give in konsole to run adept ?

          But I wonder in that guide ..most of the times breezy universe is written ...should be hardy universe ..wats the diff guys ?


            Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

            Can't help with the graphics card ......

            Assuming kde 3.

            Adept - Your easiest way is to use the kmenu (start button) /system and then right click on the adept manager entry and you can send it to the desktop. That's the easiest way.

            Breezy is an old version of ubuntu (from around 2005?) so that tells me that the guide you have is a couple of years old.


              Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

              hey liqui something wrong with ATI and Kubuntu ?

              also my Adept crashes when starting ..was just asking .... what command to type in KONSOLE ?


                Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                in Konsole, try running sudo dpkg --configure -a
                Then try to reopen Adept.

                as for your ATI problem, try this...
                &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                  Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                  CV Punk u rock 8) ..problem of adept solved ..a BIG thanx
                  npw next q ---> how to install skype ?
                  this command gives error

                  sudo apt-get install deluge
                  Reading package lists... Done
                  Building dependency tree
                  Reading state information... Done
                  E: Couldn't find package deluge


                    Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                    not sure about installing Skype. I believe you have to have the medibuntu repositories for that.
                    on a quick search of some how-to sites I have I found this...
                    (not sure if it will help, it is for 64bit) but maybe it will give you some insight.
                    &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                      Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                      ya man just a quick search in these forums lemme installed Skype
                      but sound quality is not clear as windows ? does it depend on internet speed ??
                      or is it jus windows vs linux ?


                        Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                        sound quality as in clarity or just volume levels?
                        for volume levels there is this..

                        *also, from doing some checking it looks like Alsa is the better sound for Skype.
                        &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                          Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                          ya sound quality as in clarity skype options when i enable default device then only sound comes
                          if i select INTEL ICH6 no sound comes


                            Re: Installed Kubuntu on Acer Aspire 5500..PLZ HELP !!!!

                            hmmm... not sure.
                            I am actually leaving work right now... but try a google search using skype sound problems in linux

                            a lot of info comes up.
                            &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.

