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Kubuntu LiveCD Help

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    Kubuntu LiveCD Help

    Well, as the title goes, I've finally decided to make the switch from Microsoft. So, I've downloaded a few distro's and found 2 that I like. Kubuntu and PCLinuxOS. On the latter, audio playing isn't a problem, I can stream audio quite fine. On Kubuntu, I seem to be having a problem with streaming Audio or even being able to find my Hard Drives to test MP3's.

    Yes, I'm quite new, so please be gentle. I've searched these forums for about an hour or two thinking I could solve it myself, but nothing seems to "pop" out at me as to what I'm looking for.

    Thank you for your time.

    Re: Kubuntu LiveCD Help


    So welcome the linux community

    I think this should help you to install all what you need :



      Re: Kubuntu LiveCD Help

      Thank you for the welcome to the community.

      I do have some questions that I'd like to ask, as I've seen some of them answered already, I'm just looking for clarification.

      Is it easy to install GNOME to work with KDE for the use of GNOME apps? I've seen that Firefox is fairly easily installed, but searching the forums came up with a post regarding 1.07, not 1.5.2. Is it possible to have 1.5.2 installed? Same holds true for Thunderbird. GAIM is another that I'd rather have, instead of the bundled Kopete(?). Hence why I'm asking about GNOME and KDE playing nice together.

      Anyway, as I've stated, I'm new to the linux community, and think I've found my distro. Thanks for any and all help.


        Re: Kubuntu LiveCD Help


        Yes it's easy to install whatever you'd like in fact, gnome apps or xfce4 's one.
        If you want you can even install the gnome desktop in case you would like to see how it looks from time to time
        It's possible to have firefox 1.5.x installed but you have to play around, because 1.5.2 is coming with next stable version of kubuntu which is dapper on the beginning of next month, so if you don't want to wait you can check this page and go forward.

        For other, you can use adept or another package manager to find what you're looking for, or even the command line aptitude or apt-get

        Hope I've answered well


